JWP #03 ~~~ The last Straw

Jul 19, 2012 19:59

Title: The last Straw
Theme: July Writing Prompt #03 - July 19
Prompt: the word Games
Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: Sherlock, John
Word Count: 350
Summary: John has enough of Sherlock's games.

A/N: I hate writing summaries...

Sherlock unconsciously straightens his back when John just stares uncomprehending at him.

“Are you serious?” John finally asks, his voice a pitch higher than normal.

“Of course I am,” Sherlock returns with a shrug of his shoulders.

For a moment longer John looks at him, but then shakes his head and turns toward the kitchen. “I need tea.”

“What you need is to talk about what is troubling you,” Sherlock quotes one from the many websites he visited about getting someone to talk about their problems.

John spins so swiftly around that Sherlock almost takes a surprised step back, seeing the anger in the eyes of his blogger.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Normally it does not interest you at all what is going on around you as long as it is not connected to one of your cases or experiments.

So don’t start now, it does not suit you.”

“I can’t concentrate with you moping around,” Sherlock explains, hoping that John’s special humour would work in his favour again as normally.

It does not.

“Well, I am sorry to be such a bother to you, then,” John growls and turns back to the kitchen.

Not willing to give up yet Sherlock reaches forward and takes hold of John’s wrist, intending to turn him back around.

He never thought it possible for John to react this way.

The moment his fingers touch John’s skin, John wrenches his arm away and violently jumps back two steps, colliding painfully with his back against the wall.

Sherlock just stares numbly at him and John finally raises his eyes to glower coldly back.

“You can’t think that the whole world will start to orbit you the moment you are willing to pay attention to it.

Just because you think now is the moment for you to be interested in my life, does not mean that I am interested in sharing.

I am sick of your games, Sherlock, so I am only telling you once.”

Now he looks directly into Sherlock’s eyes and Sherlock feels a shudder going down his spine.

“Piss off.”

bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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