JWP #02 ~~~ Rain keeps falling

Jul 19, 2012 19:48

Title: Rain keeps falling
Theme: July Writing Prompt #02 - July 18

Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: John
Word Count: 176
Summary: John's caught in the rain and is haunted by a painful memory.

A/N: Not really good summary and I do not like this fill either... But can't do more now. Thankfully it's my last day at work tomorrow, so then I will have the time to write (hopefully) better things for the prompts. :/


John sighs and draws his jacket more closely around his body while the rain continues to pound on the ground.

He was lucky enough to find cover, but now without an umbrella and a thicker jacket he can’t move on.
He watches how a man crosses the street in front of him, a dark umbrella hiding his face and sighs again.

As he stands there waiting his thoughts start to drift and return to the day before…
His eyes darken with memories and a shudder not of cold runs through his body.

< There is only one last chance… >

The rain appears now even darker and colder and John starts to feel caged in his protection.

< Otherwise it will end badly… >

John feels how the world starts to close in and with a shake of his head he ignores the slight twinge in his leg and runs out into the rain.

< It could mean death… >

And the rain keeps falling, washing away the memories and the voices.

But never the pain.

bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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