August update

Aug 21, 2013 15:10

Conventions: I got back from Chicago 3 hours ago, totally knackered. It was great to catch up with friends we had met at previous cons and to meet new people. I'll post photos in the next few days, but my eyes are so bleary right now I can't sort the good from the bad.

I'm looking forward to next year already - not only will there be the final ChiCon in August, but September 2014 is going to be AWESOME with OzComicCon, HawaiiCon and SOTB all within three weeks.

Writing: My space opera fic is now over 20K words, but I may re-write part of it as it's getting too focussed on irrelevant details. I've decided that the reason I could never settle on a clear outcome for my H2O fic (McLaughlin/Holt) is that it really wants to be a "five times" fic, so I'll work on that. The SGA Vegas fixit fic (stalled for the last six months) needs some scenes shifting around, after which I hope to complete the first part fairly soon. TTT12 ... well, the less said about that the better. *sigh* PANTOF(EE) doesn't require much work but those last two scenes are being stubborn. I shall persevere.

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