Feb 01, 2009 21:12
So far, not bad.
Have a missed meat at all today? Not really. When I came home from work there was a huge plate of bacon on my kitchen counter top. But I don't really like bacon.... so it wasn't very much of a pull.
I will admit though that my diet today was slightly lacking. I need to be more educated and consider that excluding meat from my diet may lead to a junk food lifestyle. Today I had a bagal at work, a piece of lemon pie (also at work... they are awesome)... two chocolate bars..... wow... this is sounding sad...
But now I am cooking up some grilled veggies and potatoes.
Two highlights of my day today.
1. There is a new girl at work who I CAN'T STAND. She is currently training to be a server and is a huge know-it-all and has this gigantic fake laugh which makes me want to punch her. There was a conversation between my friend Jess, Sarah (the new girl) and I at work today which went as such...
Jess- yah, that bagal has a lot of calories... but you are starting a vegetarian diet so you need them
Sarah- Who's a vegetarian?
Me- Me... I guess
Sarah- Oh, I don't agree with vegetarianism. It's so bad for your health
Jess- Actually it isn't. That is a common misconception.
Sarah- No, it's really bad. You don't get the protein you need and people end up getting sick
Jess- If you are not smart about it yes, but there are certain vegetables which carry some proteins and other veggies carry other kinds. You have to make sure that you are counter balancing and maintaining the right level of each. Besides, there are a ton of meat eaters who aren't living a balanced lifestyle in their food choices.
Sarah- You must be a vegetarian too (in a know-it-all way... as if Jess's information was therefore dismissive and probably not true)
Jess- No actually, I'm doing my Masters in food in nutriention. In 3 months I'll be a registered dietitian
2. I served a little old lady who was a vegetarian also. She and her other little old lady friend were really sweet. They happened to be sat next to some really loud and annoying University students and they were having trouble hearing me so I sat down and slid into their booth with them to take their order. They thought this was really thoughtful and loved me and chatted a lot for the rest of their time at the restaurant. The one who was veggie though was amazing. I told her what I was doing and we talked about why we made this choice and she and I completely agree. But she worded it nicely. It's not that I have a problem with the concept of using animals as food. But it's the fact that they are not really a required form of food. With the space we are using to raise each cow and the money spent to feed them and the land wasted to graze them... we could grow vegetables and end world hunger. What is more important to me... a hamburger or the state of third world countries?
Onward to day two