Feb 10, 2009 13:26
Okay... now this post is not meant to knock Christianity in its entirety. I am specifically talking about the one denomination of Christians called "Evangelicals". Though I know that I am definitely guilty of grouping individuals here and making prejudice judgments... but I just don't understand Evangelical thinking.
These are the people who home school their children because prayer is not taught in school, who don't believe in global warming, who speak in tongues, who think reading Harry Potter is a sin, who think homosexuality is a sin, who support the war in Iraq and who voted for George Bush (who will definitely be coming up many more times during this series of entries.) It was an evangelical church that after the November 2008 election decided they would not be giving communion to anyone who voted for Obama because he is pro-choice.
Does that make sense to anybody? A church is supposed to be open to everyone... welcoming... non-judging... and yet you are a sinner if you are gay, read the fantasy genre or vote democrat.
What is that?
I am now assigning you all homework to go a long with my entry. Please make your way to your closest BlockBuster or Rogers Video and rent "Jesus Camp". It is a fantastic documentary about a camp for Evangelical Children which is completely non-biased. It simply gives you an insiders look into what they are teaching their children and lets you make your own opinion.
And... if you have time and want a laugh also go and rent "Religulous"... which is completely biased and sometimes really mean... but also hilarious.