I just want for all of this to end...

Feb 01, 2007 04:03

I hate drama.
I hate having a really good friend that I can't tell anything to.

I called Nadena between my classes & we were talking about my date with Eric.
Colin woke up & overheard us talking.
After I got off of the phone with Nadena, he asked her what we were talking about.
And of course, like a bitch, she told him.
She swore up & down that she wouldn't tell him.
She promised.
She fucking promised.
And yet...
She told him.
And since Colin already doesn't like me, he told Marc.
I was supposed to go over there tonight, but instead, I hung out with Eric.
And you know what?
I had fun.
A hell of a lot more fun than I would've had with Nadena.
Or Marc, for that matter.
But Marc knew I was supposed to come over.
So after bringing Nadena home from work, he left.
He thinks he's avoiding me.
He thinks I'm over at Nadena's house right now.
And I'm not.
So take that, bitch.
I am just so frustrated with all the bullshit that goes on over there.
This was blown WAY out of proportion.
Colin is just a stupid fucking drama ass bitch that needs to shut his mouth.
Nadena defends him saying "He's just trying to look out for Marc."
Well you know what?
Nadena is supposed to be my friend & be looking out for me.
And she didn't.
She fucking disregarded MY feelings and she knew I planned on telling Marc.
Even though I had no reason to.
I'm not his girlfriend....


I don't even know why I'm talking about this. I like Eric. Damn it, I like him a lot. And regardless of Marc getting jealous, he has no right to be. I made it clear to him long ago that I didn't want to get into a relationship. Yeah, I made a few slip-ups and things happened that really shouldn't have, but it's over now & I have no regrets. Some time tomorrow I'm going to go talk to Marc & tell him about Eric, explain the whole mess to him and how it was all exaggerated. When Eric & I first went out, we went out to eat, talked, and then hung out at the bowling alley with some of his close friends. We've honestly seen each other twice now & I haven't kissed him. Not that I haven't wanted to, I just know that I'm going to be sure things are over with Marc before I start something with someone else. I don't completely disregard people's feelings.. at least not all the time.

Anyway, I could really use some input on this.

And Scott, if you read this, Nadena won't be accompanying us on Saturday because her boyfriend thinks I'm trying to hook the two of you up or something. He's just a retarded jealous asshole. Pretty much. But we can still do something if you want. Unless I quit my job & decide to go up north this weekend. I honestly want to take that vacation... now.
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