Jul 08, 2006 19:46
I changed my filter in my air conditioner. It's been at least a year since it's been changed, I think. Nearly that, at least, as I've not changed it since I moved in. But the air coming out isn't cold. I have the temperature gauge set at 70, and the air should be freezing, but it's not. I don't know what's wrong. But it makes me sad because I'm hot. I hate being hot.
I saw my Uncle Doug and Aunt Tina over the Fourth. Tina arrived first and said that Doug had told her to tell us not to let me leave till he got to see me. He said, "Ashley Menette's my puddin pop girl." When I was a baby, he used to take me to get ice cream (pudding pops). He and Tina have always been good to my family. When Tina gave me $20 for graduation, she said, "I know it's not much, but I hope it helps." I assured her that it was the thought that counted, and $20 *is* a lot when you have little (as she and I both did at the time), and truthfully, I'd've been just as happy with $5 or none.
Doug had been diagnosed with having back spasms over the last few years. He had a doctor's appointment after the fourth for some reason, and I think he was worried about it. He was withdrawn, and he stayed outside where it was quiet more than he was inside visiting. He barely saw me, which I think is kind of funny, since he wanted to make sure he saw me before I left. He seemed pensive. He went to the doctor (the same general practicioner I go to, Dr. James...fabulous man, young, cares, talks to his patients like they're people, takes time to explain things) and found out the back spasms were actually heart attacks. He goes in for triple bypass surgery on Wednesday.
It's funny, because I never give my uncles hugs. Well, very rarely. The Morgans just aren't a huggy clan. But before I left on Tuesday, I gave my Uncle Doug a hug. Was it premonition? Or logic? Premonition of his surgery. Logic because, hey, he wanted to see me before I left, we didn't talk much, so I could at least give the man a hug before I leave. But I can tell you, my mum, my aunt, and my uncle are all kind of weirded out by it. For me, it was logical. I had a thought process behind it (though mostly unconscious at the time).
Air still isn't cold. It was blowing forcefully, but not cold. 30 minutes of having it on, and no marked temperture change. I think I broke it.
I've opened my windows again. I love having my windows open because I can hear what's going on outside. I like the sound of traffic, the sound of bugs, birds, people, cars. The windows over my bed let in a breeze most of the time.