cutest old man ever. this was at like 7 am, and there was no one in the sqaure of s. marce, except him feeding the pigeons. in was like a scene from a movie.
view of teh main canal from the bridge.
the bridge of sighs. prisoners used ot be tried in he building on the left, and then if they were sentenced to death they were walked accross the bridge to the building on the right where they were to be executed, but they could look out the window on the bridge to see the last beutiful sight that they woudl see before they died.
this was the view.
CUTEST sister and brother EVER. the little girl loved the pigeons, and she was sqealing with laughter feeding the, , but he was soo terrified until thius one landed on his head, and then has made this face, along with many other priceless expressions.
i was not too comfotbale with the pigeon idea. they were fine, excpet that as son as you fed them, like two hundred would sarm you and this includes them lanfing on your face. ugh. but i finally braved it up and tlet them eat from my hand. hm.
stepping into the gondola with the assistance of our beautiful gondola boy.
me and my new foudn love. not my best picture...i was a little excited.
s. marco's square. it lloked like the building was painted on to the sky.