I have some reaaally short comments on movies I've seen recently and videos for you all today, as I take a break from the endless chore known as 'putting the house together'. *wipes brow*
I finally broke down and watched Iron Man a week or so ago. Now, you guys know I'm a Marvel girl, but I could never get into the Iron Man titles because, well, Tony Stark annoys me. So why did I find this movie so enjoyable? It made Tony Stark interesting and, shockingly, likeable. What? Yeah, I know, surprised me, too. I don't want in his pants or anything, he's not my type, but I liked the character and was rooting for him. Good action, good effects, and good humour made this a movie worth seeing - heck, I might even watch it again sometime.
We watched WALL-E a few days ago. You have to ignore the preachy message - it's done in a comical sort of way, so it's a lot easier to just chuckle over the jokes and carry on with the story than it was with, say, Ferngully (we all remember that one, right?). Ohh, the bots are just too cute for words. Wall-e's junk collection reminded me a little of the stuff I discovered when I cleared off my desk last month. *snicker*
Finally, we watched Speed Racer last night. It was at the bottom of the desperation watch list, the list of movies you pull out when there's really nothing else to watch but you can't sleep quite yet. This movie surprised me, too. It was fun and silly, and longer than I expected, but it wasn't too long and I didn't get bored. Predictable to the last, but somehow cute and engaging enough to keep you watching anyway.
Ok now that that's out of the way, we can get to what you've all come here for - hardcore nudity! Hi, I'm Troy McLure... no wait...
I suggest you watch these somewhere you're not going to be interrupted by coworkers, inquisitive 6-year olds, or pesky little brothers. ;) The humour is adult and tongue-in-cheek (which cheek is entirely up to your imagination), but the vids have good messages that some people of all ages and experiences really need to hear.
The Midwest Teen Sex Show!(link to all shows)
I tried to embed one to start you off (or should that be finish you off...? :P), but it made LJ eat my post twice before working, and then it broke my layout, soo you'll just have to click the links yourselves. Such effort, I know. :P