Castle - fic

May 18, 2009 09:07

So, I wrote Castle fic last night. Pretty much directly after I watched the ep I scrawled this out.

Title: No Idea
Characters/Pairings: Kate Beckett, pre-Beckett/Castle
Word Count: 600 (Triple double drabble! woo! lol)
Rating: MA (15+)
A/N: Set directly after the second last scene in 'Flowers for Your Grave', just following Beckett rejecting a dinner offer from Castle.
A/N #2: This show only started airing in Australia tonight, so this is the first ep I've seen, therefore my canon knowledge only stretches as far as the end of the first ep. Anything else I've made up myself.

on Livejournal
on Dreamwidth

fic, castle/beckett, tv: castle, fanfic

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