Some Recs

Sep 16, 2007 17:51

I have a mega rec-list coming, eventually, but I felt like doing some now. Consider this your starter. I am v. tired right now, so please excuse the brevity of my reasons for why you should read them. You'll just have to trust me.

Just-post-DH Harry/Ginny:

Still Life of Summer [Harry/Ginny, Adult]

A summer through the eyes of one Ginny Weasley.
[7375 words]
Gorgeous, sexy, wonderful, very canon. Harry/Ginny for everyone, not just Harry/Ginny shippers. This is my idea of perfection, pretty much.

Since Feeling is First [Harry/Ginny, Teens, three parts, complete]

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny can finally put their feelings first.
[5483 words]
What would H/G fandom do without stmargarets? Die, that is what. A very sweet protrayal of Harry and Ginny getting back on their feet, with some very well done, in-character and touching portayals of the Weasley family. Absolutely lovely Molly/Arthur interaction and what is thus far my favourite 'George dealing with Fred's death' scene.

Married-with-kids Harry/Ginny (that I liked!):

Perfectly Balanced? [Harry/Ginny, PG-13]

Challenge 33. With three kids and as the Head of the Auror Department by 39 (driving the revolutionary changes within the department with Ron), there had to be some times that were very stressful and angsty when Ginny and Harry 'lost' each other. How did it happen, what triggered the argument/epiphany, and how was it resolved?
[8292 words]
This is heart-breaking.

Crumbs [Harry/Ginny, PG]

Bedtime stories are no fun,
And Harry’d like to drop a ton
(of bricks on Krum’s head).
Bedtime stories are no fun, especially when your kids are little demons in disguise.
Challenge 37. Viktor talks to Ginny before Harry gets a chance to patch things up with her.
This, on the other hand, made me grin. :D I love Viktor.
OH MY GOD I just got the title.

Speaking of Viktor ...


Worth Taking [Viktor/Ginny, NC-17]

Viktor is an international quidditch star, and Ginny has just been left behind. He's happy to provide comfort.
[approx. 1600 words]
"But he has gone off vith brother and friend?" Viktor shook his head in crafted sympathy. "This is not for boyfriend to do." I LOVE YOU VIKTOR, YOU 'merely international Quidditch star', YOU.

Tom Riddle and Minerva McGonagall Gen:

somewhere i have never travelled [Tom Riddle, Minerva McGonagall, PG]

There is something that Minerva McGonagall and Tom Riddle have always had in common.
[1279 words]
I loved teenage Voldemort in this. (Isn't it easy to separate Voldemort from T. M. Riddle? I often forget they're the same person.) Anyway, the balance between charming and terrifying is very well done. And aww, Minerva.


and i am marie of romania [Sirius/Lily, PG-13]

It doesn't really matter, though. It's not like there's anything he can do about it. It's not like he would do anything about it.
[1493 words]
Pump, as she likes me to call her, has been busy recently with a lot of posting fic and tidying things up. Go an check them out. Of all of these, this ache-y Sirius/Lily is, I think, my favourite, and not only because it was written for me.


a moment after war [Neville/Luna, PG]

“It - well, it brought me you,” he says in a low rush, not looking up from the gold disc pressed between his fingers.
[730 words]
Someone else who has been super-prolific (is that the word?) this summer. This has a lovely lovely Luna.

Damn there is not enough smut on this list.

P.S. Does someone want to translate for me all the new LJ/SA stuff? Am I right in saying that they have a new CEO? Does it affect me in any way whatsoever?

P.P.S. I sent pumpkinpasty H/G to beta. She went AWOL for weeks. I feared I had killed her. I sent excitedrainbow H/G to beta. She has now gone AWOL.

I'm sensing a pattern.

eta: I updated my Arthur/"sir" and "ma'am" CAPSLOCK RANT with some actual information for poor old
only_for_one. I probably got it all wrong, though (explaining your own culture is hard) and so,
excitedrainbow, if you ever get back from wherever the hell you are, could you please look at it and tell me if you agree?


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