I know i know... i'm due for an update now. But recently i've really been caught up with reading and re-watching old videos (which is very difficult to find nowadays. Tell me again why all KATTUN vids are wiped out of youtube?) I know this is like waaaay belated for me to do... you know, catching up and reacting and all. So what held me back from doing these before? I was really heartbroken when i found out Jin was leaving. Given that he is my bias-- i just simply thought that KATTUN wont be the same without him.
A little history: I got into JPOP because of Gokusen. Originally i super super loved MatsuJun(like duh, who doesn't) so there came Arashi BUT i wasnt into them because i didnt like their music that muc (okay, dont hate me) and then Gokusen2 came out and there's our Akame all angsty (and filled with sexual tension) and i was drawn immediately to Jin. Really really my type although they were both so young there and Kame... oh Kame... so young and thin and fragile looking. I guess that's why i grew into that pairing naturally. Because they dont look awkward together. Then i came to know that they were both from the same group and that Jin actually has the voice of an angel. Took me quite a few hours to get that into my system. And then i found out that they were being shipped together as a pair. Later on i found my first fanfiction which is In His Care by
blue_orbs. Yeah... Yeah... way to start my obsession with Akame huh? I remember feeling so panicked because back then i didnt know what fanfiction was and i seruously thought that they got into prison and had that boy toy x master relationship. So silly of me. But then it wasnt hard to imagine lol. That started everything. And i loved them as a group too. When i first listened to KATTUN's songs, i didnt cringe. And they sounded so good. I think that's what set them apart from other JE groups. I liked their edgy almost dangerous looking vibe (thanks Koki) and they didnt look awkward. Awkward is Ryo and Yamapi singing and dancing to Summertime lol. I love love them as a group. Ultimately, i'm inclined to Jin, Koki and Maru. Kame is in the middle because sometime si like him as an individual sometimes i think he tries way too much.(dont kill me lol just stating my opinion) Junno is okay. Ueda... well Ueda is the least i liked. I find him so awkward looking but then i saw him recently in their LINE live and i was like WTH, Ueda: glow up of the century. I wish he looked like that since way back. Maybe then he wouldnt look as awkward.
Back to the present: It was only last night i had the courage to actually watch a KATTUN performance with lesser members. I couldnt bring myself to watch them before. In all honestly, i dont know any of their songs after Jin departed. But that doesnt make me less a fan. For me, it was better to keep the memories with the 6 of them. Rather than be sad with the reality that they're only 3 members now. Im not sure what got into me last night. Maybe because of the Ueda screencap or maybe because i was just really curious on how they sound with the remaining members. However, the one i watched was this video:
[CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO] They started off with Real Face and I.... for a minute there I... I didnt want to continue anymore. That opening... i used to love that opening especially since Akame's voices blended so perfectly. But then i had to do a double-take with Junno doing the 2nd voice and Ueda trying to handle that Oohh~ part that i so loved Jin doing. Obviously, Kame had to work a lot harder to maintain how it originally sounds. Definitely waited for that instru part to drop and hear Koki's (non-sense) rapping but i realized it's never going to come :( With Maru, ever since i really loved his stable voice. Especially during their Break the Records tour when Jin had him sing his part. I dont think Maru took it seriously but he sounded flawless while doing so, altho he was definitely out of breath after. Come on guys, we have to appreciate what Jin brings into their songs. However, on this specific live I think Maru's voice was kind of clipped? in a way it sounds higher than it normally does. And you can pretty much see that he isn't comfortable singing that part. I was kind of surprised that they do still sing some of their old songs. Especially when MOON came in next. We all know that song has some serious high note belting that only my beloved Akanishi can do. Still, kudos to everyone. I think, if the group started off without Akanishi in the first place, not having all those high noted and crazy harmonization, they would do so well. They sound decent. Maybe it was the old fangirl in me that kept on expecting for those high notes to come.. for rough rapping to start... But i have to start accepting that they will never sound like that again. That's why im so happy i still was able to get their BTR and QOP tour vids to save me from missing my original OT6 so much.
As for my ultimate bias, i think i've read almost all articles pertaining to him in Arama Japan. So i think i've pretty much caught up already. However, i do not understang the hate. Not at all. Im not sure if im just being biased, but definitely, Jin didnt deserve the hate. Yes, he left KATTUN. But we all saw it coming. It was obvious he didnt like what they were doing anymore. But for me i saw it as him seeking for growth in the industry. True, if he didnt leave and Koki and Junno are still in the group, KATTUN may be as active as they were before... but Jin realized it.. they weren't getting any younger. It didnt help that the Jimusho had so much strict rules that incapacitates their artists. True, Jin could have done it in a more decent way.. but maybe he just really wanted to do things for himself and sort things out for his future. He lacked freedom when he was in JE and it was obvious he hated it. But i really do salute him for going after his dream. Not many artist do that. It was a huge risk on his part.. and i think he understood he won't really be a huge thing in the US. But he still went with it anyway.. because it's what he wanted to do. It's what makes him fulfilled. True i miss hearing his non auto tune voice but come on.. his new songs are lit as well. Makes me want to go to Japan and attend his concert. I'm proud of him. Really. He's doing everything on his own... he wanted to be more than what people told him to be. Truly reflecting this part of the lyrics in his song A PAGE: Gave up a little life just to get a little ground. I hope people stop hating on him and calling him irrelevant. I hope they see him as someone who's working hard despite all the hindrances. All those people commenting that KATTUN was better off without Jin, you guys are unbelievable. He was so much an integral part as Kame is. True he is difficult and moody and douchey, but performance wise... he brought it. He makes the difference. Or maybe that's just how i see him.
Oh my, this has turned out to be quite long. To end this rant.. i hope our OT6 are still somewhat in communciation. I hope they see each other from time to time. I hope their relationship is not as bad as how other people perceive it to be. And i hope one day... one day they get to sing together on stage again. Such wishful thinking but hey... a fangirl can dream right?