[Fic] The Untouched CH 1

Nov 18, 2018 15:35

Title: The Untouched
Pairing: akame
Rating: Safe…. For now.
Genre: Romance, angst
Summary: KATTUN is about to become 6 members again. Whether they like it or not.
A/N: I am being swallowed up by the KATTUN fandom again. Someone please pull me out--- not. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please tell me what you think! <3


“I cant believe this is happening..” Maru muttered under his breath. “After all these years..” he looked so spent. The three of them does. Kame could only look at his bandmate, then to Ueda next. The latter, although calm as usual, cannot hide the discomfort showing on his face.

“Im sorry… I really tried to reason out with him.” Kame let his head hang low. He felt as if he failed Maru and Ueda.

Ueda placed an arm on his shoulder, “Kame, this is not your fault. The stress we’re under in right now is not your fault. Johnny… he’s just trying to shake us again. And maybe he’s just really desperate to get things going for the agency again.”

“Tat-chan’s right, Kame. We’re all victims here.. all 6 of us.” Maru said. “You’re the one we’re most worried about.”

“I’m fine..” He’s not. He knew what Maru meant. When he revealed Johnny’s plan to his two bandmates their first reaction was “Are you okay to see him again?”

“It’s hard for us, alright. But we cannot imagine how tough this must be for you.. to be around him again.” Maru continued. Kame knew the other two will not have a problem working with their former bandmates again. For one, Koki and Junno left under lighter circumstances and he knew at least Maru is still in contact with Akanishi. What they were stressing about is how hard they worked on maintaining the group after those three left and now for Johnny to suddenly bring them all back in.

For Kame, it’s a different story. His bandmates knew his history with Jin. How messy it became and how hurt he was after Jin left without saying anything. No group discussion, not even a private one with him. The last time he saw him was at a concert 4 years after Jin left. Although the older man tried to strike a conversation as casually as possible, Kame cannot. He cannot be civil. Not after what Jin had done.

“But I heard Jin hasn’t responded yet, right? So maybe he’s not interested. Maybe we’re worrying about nothing at all.” Ueda tried to lighten the atmosphere.

“I don’t think he’s obliged to respond anyway.. seeing as how he’s running his own agency now. And knowing Jin, it’s just either he shows up suddenly or pretend as if he didn’t receive the order.” Kame and Ueda was surprised. Jin has his own agency now? “I think it’s the same company Pi invested in that’s why Johnny punished him as well. Jin owns it.” Maru continued.

Their small meeting was cut off when the door opened and Johnny’s secretary came in. “You may now go to the conference room.” She announced.

Reluctantly and with heavy feet, Kame stood up. He has to be strong. Anyways, if this shall go on, it may not be for that long. As Johnny had said, the agency just needs a boost right? So maybe this is just going to be a one time thing.

They followed the secretary silently with Maru and Ueda behind Kame, worried looks on their faces. When they got there, the room was still empty.

“Kitagawa-sama said to wait here until he comes.” And with that, the lady exited the room, leaving the three men wondering what today’s agenda is.

Maru was the first to sit down. “Kame.. I don’t mean to put more pressure on you but…. What will you do if Jin shows up?” That’s the golden question. A question even Kame does not know the answer to.

“I don’t-“ his words were cut off as the door swung open and a familiar person jumped in. “OMAERAAAAAA~”

“Oi Koki!” Maru was the first to react. He stood up and as he is the nearest to the door, walked towards Koki and hugged him. “It’s been a long time, man.”

Kame and Ueda stood up as well and walked towards the hugging duo and threw themselves in as well. When they had let go, they noticed Koki to be a bit teary eyed. “You guys, I wasn’t expecting a warm welcome at all. You know.. after I caused you so much trouble even after I got kicked out.”

“It’s all in the past, you cry baby.” Kame playfully hit Koki on the head. “Come let’s sit and catch up..” and just before they were about to settle down, the door opened again to reveal another familiar face.

“Iriguchi Deguchi Taguchi desuuu~” Junno’s smile and energy hadn’t changed, that’s for sure. Again, they went for a group hug and finally settled down.

“It’s unreal to be sitting here again. Brings back a lot of memories..” Junno looked around the room. This is where they used to have meetings together even since they were formed as a group. On the right side of the room, a huge display case stood, encasing all of their awards and pictures from pre-debut up to the present.

“Is it really okay to do this?” Koki asked with quite a shy smile plastered on his face. “I mean, do you think the fans will take it well? I’m kind of worried that this will do more harm than good. Our fans hate me!”

“that’s not true Koki. They don’t hate you. And this… whatever becomes of this.. we’ll pull through. Like we always have.” Kame, along with those reassuring words, gave Koki a soft smile. Contrary to what the latter always shows the fans, Koki has quite a soft side.

“Yeah, and if they hate you, what more of Jin, right?” Maru intended for that to be a joke, but then all eyes fell on Kame again. “Baka!” Koki hissed under his breath, looking sharply at Maru who muttered a silent “Gomen.”

The group continued to catch up. Seemingly not noticing how much time had passed until Ueda pointed it out. “So I guess, it’s just going to be us 5. Since Jin is not here yet.”

“Looks like it. We were told to come here at 3pm. It’s almost 6 pm now.” Junno commented.

“Well, that’s a relief somehow, right Kame?” Koki turned to him and he just pursed his lips.

Just then he remembered he has to phone the producer of his current drama. “Guys, excuse me for a bit. I’ll just get my phone.. I left it on the dressing room.” He stood up and exited the room, smiling to himself as he heard the 4 remaining men bickering inside. Just like the old times.

Kame made his way to their room and got his phone. Feeling thirsty, he headed for the vending machine to get something to drink. He’s relieved now. Maybe Jin wouldn’t come after all. It’s better like this, right?

Just as he was about to get his drink from the dispenser, he felt a tug on his shirt.

“Ano~ Oji-san..” he heard a little voice. Kame spun around and was shocked to find a little girl right beside him. “Do you mind getting me that chocolate?” the little girl pointed towards the vending machine.

Somehow, he was able to get a hold of himself and looked at where the little girl is pointing at. “this one?” he asked. The little girl nodded. “Alright then.” He inserted some coins and the little girl clapped her hands in delight. “Here you go..” Kame smiled as he handed her the treat. “May I know your name? Who’s with you?” he crouched down so he’s on her level.

“I’m with my otou-chan.” The little girl mumbled as she ate the treat. Kame played with her hair. This little girl is so pretty. And what a nice mole she has just below her right eye.

“Where’s your dad, then? Should I bring you to him?” Kame asked. The little girl, whose name he still doesn’t know, shook her head. “Nope. Otou-chan said to wait here.”

“it’s the first time I saw you here. Can you tell me who your dad is?” Kame is pretty sure he met most of the senpais children. So who might be this little girl’s father?

“Theia!” someone called out. Kame froze. That voice.

“Otou-chan!” the little girl left his side and ran to where the voice came from. Kame felt as if his legs will fail him… but he tried his best to stand up, still not turning around to face the man whose voice he knew so well.

“I’m sorry papa made you wait a long time.. oh what’s that.. where did you get that?” the man in question asked.

“oh this? A nice oji-san got me this!” delight was still evident in the little girl’s voice. “That oji-san right there, papa!” and Kame panicked internally. He must go. He must not meet him like this.

“Ano~” he heard footsteps approaching him just as he was about to run away. “Thank you for getting my daughter a treat. I’d like to repay you may i-“ and Kame thought, there’s no escaping this. So he gathered all his strength and willpower and faced the man who just approached him.

“Kazuya.” The man called out his name. Almost inaudible. Still very painful.

The moment their eyes met, that pang of pain crept inside Kame. It had been 4 years since he last saw this man. Jin, although looking a bit rugged, still felt familiar. And Kame’s eyes found the mole under the other man’s eyes. Just like the little girl.

“Akanishi.” Even saying that name stings. “You do not have to repay me so I’ll be on my way.” And with that, Kame hurried to get away. Trying his best to not make it seem like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him up right there and then. He hurried to get inside the conference room where the other 4 members are still busy catching up.

“He’s here.” He announced. “Akanishi’s here.”

A/N: Okay, so I thought I would be able to update immediately after releasing the prologue. But I got busy again and I was out on a vacation so I had to keep postponing. Well that and me re-reading the whole of In His Care by blue_orbs which took me quite a few days as well. To everyone (especially new fans) who haven’t read it, please.. PLEASE read it. I think it’s the first time I finished it. I don’t remember finishing it before because I think that was the time I went on a hiatus. But re-reading it definitely got me inspired and refreshed my memories on most of the people involved.

Annnnnd I know this chapter is short. I think all chapters will be short. After all.. I’m quite known to be a lover of cliff hangers XDDDD but I feel good about this first chapter. Hopefully I can update sooner that expected. J Let me know how you feel about this one! Leave me some love below! Xoxoxo

pairing: akame, mc: the untouched, fic: multichap

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