(227) The Last Day of Drop

Jul 10, 2009 21:42

Yesterday was the last drop date for Summer Session II, and I saw the effects today. A good third of the people in my Orgo class are gone, as is about a fifth of the people in the A/P. I can't say I blame them, and if the reason those people dropped was to save their GPA, then more power to them. It's a smart thing to do, dropping a class that you're not doing well in. But it does make the competition tougher. Not that it matters in these two classes - grades are by points only, no curves. For a college setting, how brutal is that, eh?

Cytosis and I went to donate platelets today. Or rather, he donated platelets and I tried to. Due to some regulations about potential malaria infections and whatnot, I'm not allowed to donate for a full year, which is kind of sad. But the people at the platelet donation center are awesome. They allowed me to sit there with Cytosis and watch what we could of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It wasn't much, because the platelet machine was so loud that we couldn't hear anything, so bascially what we ended up doing was that I told Cytosis what was happening in each scene, and who the new characters were. This didn't help much, though, because I've never seen this movie before and was only going by memories of the book, which I had read years before and didn't remember much of. Plus I'm sure the movie deviated from the original at times - but I did surprise myself with how much of the plot I did manage to dig out of memory, based on what I was seeing. Order of the Phoenix was the Harry Potter book that truly started to turn me off from being a total Harry Potter fan. The problem with growing up with the series was that there was a huge lag of time between books, meaning that by the time I got my hands on a copy of Book 5 from the public library, I had forgotten much of what happened before. Plus the story itself was getting extremely complicated, even a bit messy, in plot points and whatnot, so it was extremely hard going trying to connect everything that happened with an overall picture.

So in the end Cytosis and I decided that we would get a copy of our own and just watch it at another time, with sound. And then before we left Cytosis and I were both given Locopop coupons, which made us happy, and I got a T-shirt because Cytosis had already gotten one from before. Seeing all these goodies made me with I could donate more during the summer, because I think it's only the summer that all these promos are given, to try to entice people to give blood. (They have a surplus of people during the regular school year, but in the summer when most students are gone, there's a scarcity of platelet donations. And thus the good stuff.)

I'm currently practicing music from FFX that I got online. Most notably I'm trying to play To Zanarkand, because that one is entirely piano and I have a piano, but I've also gotten music for Besaid Island, Yuna's Theme, Suteki da Ne and Song of Prayer (which is really Hymn of the Fayth). It's hard going, but it's fun. Besaid Island is the easiest but that's because a lot of parts were cut out. Suteki na De is pretty hard. I"ve got the first portion of To Zanarkand though, now all I have to do is work on the rest....

A/P Exam Monday! Studying hard all weekend with piano breaks, that's my plan!

ffx, platelet donation, music, cytosis, harry potter, movie

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