Jun 05, 2008 10:43
The CNA class is picking up pace. Yesterday we learned vital signs, and boy was that a busy day. But it was very productive -- I now know how to take a temperature in all four places (I'll let you guess where), how to take a pulse and count respirations, and how to listen to the heart with a stethoscope. I also know the mechanics of how to take someone's BP, but the actual practice is more difficult and I'll need lots of practice before I'm proficient enough at it. It's too bad that my sister's arms are too skinny for my BP cuff, because otherwise she'd be my practice dummy.
...Maybe I can coerce my friends into doing this. We're meeting Friday to hang out, maybe watch a movie. Would it be too nerdy to carry a steth and a sphyg around?
And just for FYI, I have a heart rate of 54 bpm when lying down and relaxed. Yay for a healthy heart! :D