Mar 12, 2008 19:59
It's about 8 o'clock at night as I write this. I had been feeling kind of down today. Not necessarily depressed, just kind of ho hum bored. Things were kind of slow for most of the day, and I didn't have much to do, so of course I do what I always do, sit around and think about things too much. Which of course always leads me to feeling even more down. It didn't help that a few minutes ago I looked up from my desk where I was getting some work done and realized I was sitting in a dark room listening to some depressing music.
So, I've now put the work away for the night, have turned on a lamp, and am grooving out to some more upbeat music. (Imogene Heap at the moment, Gary Numan's "Cars" before that...)
Anyway, a few bits and pieces about what's been going on in my life...
- My grandmother is apparently doing okay despite having the world come crashing down around her a few days ago. The doctors want to operate on her coratid arteries to remove some plaque and try and prevent anymore strokes, but all told she is doing about as well as an 86-year old woman can in her condition. My Mom is even putting off going back to visit her another day or two, which tells me that things must be alright with her.
- My Mom and I are talking to each other after not talking for over a week. We got into a nasty argument last week that resulted in me hanging up on her and nothing being said since then. She didn't even call to tell me about Granny, Dad did. But after I called her and talked to her about it some, she seems to have defrosted a little. Which is a start I guess. I'll know she's grown up and gotten over it when she starts returning my "I Love You's" with more than silence...
- I had to spend almost 3 hours in a dentist chair yesterday getting a temporary crown put on the same tooth where I had the root canal done a few weeks back. The permanent one will be in in 3 weeks or so, so I have this shiny metal one for right now. Thankfully it's in the back so you can't see it. Though I can't help but feel this is the beginning of my transformation into being more machine than man... :P
- I'm beginning to think more and more that Richmond is not in my longterm residential plans. I've been looking in the paper and online for things to try and go out and do to relieve my boredom and meet some more people in this town besides Jason...and so far I have yet to find anything of even remote interest. *Sigh* I'm finding Richmond is the kind of town to raise a family in, not be a young single male. It didn't help that I was just out in Los Angeles where Tacey and I had so many choices of things to do that we almost had to flip a coin some evenings. I felt spoiled...