Mar 17, 2008 21:42
So after several years of singing the priases of Progressive Insurance as a car insurance company, I now place them squarely at the top of my shit list. A few weeks back I got my new semi-annual insurance statement. It was about $400 and while I hate paying money for...well, anything...I was happy because it had gone down considerably from the last statement. So I pay it and forget all about it.
THEN, last week I got a new letter from Progressive asking for an additional $171!! I freaked out and e-mailed my insurance agent right away asking what the heck was going on because suddenly my car insurance was the most expensive it's ever been! She got back to me saying that according to Progressive, a speeding ticket I got last summer was now being counted against me, causing the increase. WTF??!!
So I called Progressive myself today and the woman I got was very nice (I hate when they're nice, it makes it hard to yell at them...) as she ran through all the things I'm now being charged extra for because of ONE speeding ticket from last summer. I'm now listed as "more likely to hit someone," "more likely to cause a fatality," "more likely to collide with someone at a faster speed," etc. These are exact quotes!!! She basically stopped short of saying I was a menace to society because of ONE FUCKING SPEEDING TICKET!! The only blemish on my record for the last 4 years! It wasn't even a reckless driving ticket, I was going 71 in a 60...
Aargh! I'm still pissed. Thankfully, so is my agent who is shopping around trying to get me another quote from other companies because even she thinks Progressive are being dicks for no particular reason...
A couple side notes:
- I got my left ear re-pierced. I had it pierced for about 10 years before taking it out and letting the earhole close a couple years' back. I always kind of missed having it pierced, and decided to head over to this exclusive little boutique at the mall called Claire's (you may have heard of it) and had them puncture my earlobe all over again. I have a white gold stud in there now, but hopefully I can get back soon to wearing the silver hoop I wore in there for a decade. I like the way that looks better...
- For anybody who reads my LJ (all 2 of you...maybe 3...) I went this past weekend to see my grandmother. She is in bad shape, basically being catatonic due to the strokes, her cataracts, her Alzheimers, and her age. My mom and uncle and I are debating what to do with her exactly but I think we're leaning towards bringing her to a retirement home in Farmville where my Mom can keep a better eye on her. We'll see. It was rough seeing her like that. I went back out to the car and took a nap for 90 minutes while my Mom stayed with her because I just couldn't handle it... :(