I really do have a LOT of books. ^^;;;;;;;;;

Aug 20, 2008 00:25

Here's what I've done in the last few days to make this place beautiful:

- Carpet was replaced. (Okay, I didn't do this [I supervised! ^-^], but it was crucial so I could do pretty much everything else. Also, it looks awesome and it's so soft! ♥ )
- Brought up bookshelves, dresser, wardrobe. Discovered this room is really kinda small. Either that or furniture gets larger when I bring it in here.
- Cleaned out kitchen cabinets, changed the rest of the drawer pulls, and applied shelf paper.
- Unpacked all kitchen stuff and arranged in cabinets & pantry. (Pantry badly needs some slide-out shelves or something.)
- Bolted tall bookshelf to wall. Unpacked books.

Sweet Circe, I really do have a LOT of books. ^^;;;;;;;;; Pictures will likely follow, because I keep looking at how I've got them packed in and not believing it. It's not that different than it was at the old place, except that as I said the room is smaller, plus the ones that were in the dining room cabinets are now in with the rest. (Yes, those of you who saw my room in the old apartment, I also had books in the dining room cabinets. There's also a big box of them I forgot at home in Illinois which I would love to bring back here, if I had a square inch of space left. ^^; I need this. Only with more comfortable chairs.)

- Put up curtain rod & hung curtains.
- Put away games & cleaning supplies in water heater closet.
- Fixed broken toilet.
- Replaced seats on both toilets with new ones.
- Replaced lightbulbs in downstairs bathroom.
- Started moving stuff around between closet and dresser drawers and shelves, trying to find the best arrangement. This will probably take months to work out. It's not unlike a Rubik's cube: I keep having to move things I think are in the right place to fix the stuff that isn't. But it's a start.

I've also read five novels. ^-^ Nothing like packing and unpacking a million books to remind you of what you haven't read in a while.

I've also been passing the empty boxes to our neighbors who are moving out this weekend, so those are getting cleared out of the way without being wasted, which is nice. Tomorrow the guy comes to install cable/internet, and I have to pack for the reunion/trip home - yikes! I'm also hoping to get the upper shelf in my closet cleaned off and stuff moved up there, shelf paper in the cabinets in the bathroom and stuff arranged in there, my bed frame finally assembled, and... stuff. Whatever else I can get done, bearing in mind that I actually have to get up early on Friday to go catch a plane.

I have to say - Kaycee, I love you and I can't wait for you to get back - but it's really nice (probably for both of us) that you're gone this week. ^^; I'm getting everything done between ten PM and three or four in the morning without having to worry about lights or noise, it's fantastic. Hope you're still having fun in Canada!

Speaking of, I've got about three productive hours ahead of me here - maybe I can get that shelf paper done before I run out of steam?

One quick gripe first. I was supposed to get a check from Unemployment a week and a half ago. It hasn't come to the old or the new addresses. I called and they said to call back and night and use the automated system, so I did that, and all it can tell me is that the check was sent on the eighth. Great, so... where is it? I really dislike this constant financial stress. And the kicker is that if I'd gotten the check on time, I would have been totally fine, at least for a while - I was feeling, briefly, on top of things. Instead I had to pay all my bills and the moving expenses and plane ticket to the reunion and six-month car insurance payment with my credit card and I'm afraid of how much is on it now. ^^;; So I'm basically worse than broke and I'm about to go out of town. My next check is supposed to come this Monday, assuming it doesn't go to whatever netherland this last one went to, but I'll have no way to get it anyway until I get back. No good, yo. ^^;;; Is it worth praying really hard that it magically turns up tomorrow? Cross your fingers for me!

Back to the prettifying. I prefer feeling sorta productive, with something I've got some control over. ^^;
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