Just Another Day in...well, out of the circle

Nov 11, 2008 00:42

So today I learned why I'm grateful I come from a family of semi-abusive brothers and people who encourage you to play contact sports.

I got to put my guardian angel to the test by climbing and then falling on a moving escalator. Wow, way to make it all sound like my fault, let's try this again.


A lady with a small buggy filled with children's clothing gets on down 'sclator followed by another woman a 'mail guy' a beauty specialist a nurse and two other customers when her buggy gets stopped at the bottom. She's having so much trouble with it that she hasn't gotten it free by the time the woman behind her has reached the bottom (okay it was like a two second gap, that woman was right behind her) and as that woman is trying to keep her balance and assist in the freeing of the cart she starts falling backwards and the 'mail man' rushes to catch her, magically keeping his balance on the moving metal. The beauty specialist has some brain problems and decides to climb onto the rails in a way of getting over to the stop key, and looses her balance and falls crashing down onto the escalator back and head first, ends up landing squarely on a full step and then rolling a little as another step comes down, popping back up and running up the stairs a little as the other customer is getting closer to running her over and then tries again for the button especially when she sees that 7 other people have gotten on since she last looked up. lunges for the magic red button, telling everyone behind her to hold on. And thrusting the moving stairs to a halt. Only after it stops has the buggy come free, the poor woman who fell gets moved forward enough that the mail guy can get past, though she won't allow him to help her, she doesn't listen when the beauty spec says not to move it's stopped and people can go back up if they need to. It's only when a nurse appears from the crowd on the stairs and tells her not to move that she listens. Another associate comes by and calls a code blue and everyone comes running as the woman is getting to her feet on her own. She didn't fall very hard, was more startled and embarassed that she couldn't get back up that anything and like everyone who isn't bleeding and then some who are says she's fine and doesn't need to be checked out, but we fill out a report anyway incase she changes her mind when she gets home. Her coat now has grease marks embedded in the bottom four inches. All in nice little stripes.

The beauty specialist is not noticed by management, but lp sees she's holding her head and inquires. When she says she was behind the lady and the reason the escalator stopped he says she should fill out a report and then take 3 months leave. ^_^ It slowly gets around to others that the lady who'd been on the floor wasn't the only 'victim' of idiocity of others. The 'mail guys' little scanner broke and he had to come back to get a part of it from the beauty spec after she found it on the escalator and it was only after seeing the woman's ruined coat that the beauty specialist began to wonder if there were grease stains on her smock. ::Shrug:: who cares she thought, it's black, it's polyester, and it's property of this place anyway. And then she sees it. Grease marks on her face from when she got rolled. Oh yeah, that's when the management knew she'd been part of the ride too. Cause she was having fun showing it off.

Now the lady with the buggy? no injuries, no dirty clothes, when someone asked about an elevator she admitted to knowing where it was but just being too lazy to go there because she'd never had a problem taking the escalator before. ::glare::

___so, my head was aware that it hit something hard but it's not sensitive or anything, I never saw stars, my neck was fine, my elbow though has this nice little bump that hurts whenever my sleeve brushes on it...I'm so glad I had on multiple layers and that the top one was black polyester. The bump might be from hitting my key, it hangs out there at my elbow. ::shrug:: I did finally fill out an accident report just to be safe after having to take alieve and then super tylenol later and my neck kind of getting stiff. But I think with a little rest I'll be just peachy.

Oh and the gal from housewares was grabbed by a customer just moments before this--in fact I left that scene to be part of another one--she has bruises on her arm where this woman grabbed her. And she was upset about something that it turns out she had no business being so upset over. She was trying to use a $50 gift card, it only had $39.41 on it, she wanted to know where her money went. Swore up and down she hadn't used it. Came to customer service where the very busy pos supervisor told her plainly that it had been used and that the value given her was the correct amount. She left mad and grabbed the first associate she saw, the young girl in housewares who was putting stuff away by bedding. And grabbed in the litteral, to her by the arm and pulled sense. Associate tried to calm her down, sat her down on one of the beds (with her hubby) and listened to her story before involving a manager. Who then researched it and discovered card was purchased June 07 and used July 07...and now more than a year later the woman has forgotten that she used it. And amazingly, this manager scolded the woman for grabbing an associate. No matter how mad you are you can not physically assault the workers. (it's only amazing because he's the 'yes man' in the store) Don't know if the customer appologized to the associate or not.


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