November has certainly been an interesting month thus far

Nov 18, 2008 23:10

Raise your hand if your morning started off with a car in the ditch.


Now before you panick that my extremely eventful november has just become worse, when the day started my car was in the drive and I was in my bed, dreaming of--i don't know what anymore, but I was quite cozy--and then the phone rang. I ignored it as usual, and it rang again...and again...and again. About call five I started shouting up the stairs for Stevie to get the phone...because there's only one person who would call the house on redial and not my cell at some point.

I so didn't want to get up, or even hear what stupid request he was going to have. So I felt a little badly when that request was to come pick him up at a towing place in CP because his car had slid off the road and through someone's yard until it hit a concrete guard (put up for just this reason) and he'd had to get a tow. (oh and btw make Stevie sandwiches first!). No seriously. So I was soooo tired this morning that I didn't even realize how badly his car was damaged or that his already large nose is like three times it's size and a bit covered in blood. was like that at dinner 12 hours later and all I can think is eeewww, you didn't wash the blood off your nose all day?

But it's my older brother, and he's a bit weird. Even for my family.
I also slowly realized that I'm the sibling who's had their first car the longest. And 'Ruko's had some problems and close calls but Debbi hit a patch of black ice and flipped her camero into a pole about a year or two after buying it. Pete had his first car for a 'long almost a year.' (his words, not mine). Slid into a parked car on christmas eve the first year he had it because it was the first snow he'd driven it in and ooops just a little too fast. But it's was just a little drivers' side fender bender, but of course he paid extra for someone to make it look new and not just bend it back into shape. And then like 2-4 months later after a party he let his friend the more sober/one who's head didn't feel like it was going to bust open, drive it home. And somehow they ended up upside down in a ditch. I think snow might have been a factor. Rick...he had his first car for a long while, he got it just after I got 'Ruko and hadn't ever had any problems until this past spring (?) when someone t-boned him gunning it out of a gas station. 'Ruko...well aside from the time he just died out in V City, and the tail bump he got in the rain on the way to get sis for her 30th b-day present, he's not had too much to worry about. And now I knock on all the wood in my house.

It reminded me of my naming theory from college CVA--I named our dogfish Connie and our cat Butch and for both animals we were the last group over a full semester course to have mold growing in them. In fact Butch never got moldy, and Connie on started to succumb the last week of dissection and just on the tip of her tail. Everyone esle's were like--well I won't go into it for those with weaker stomachs. But I actually began telling people it's because we named ours. They want to hang out with us longer because we care about them like they were still needed. my knowledge none of my sibs name their cars.

...did anyone else just hear a chiming sound coming from....the air behind a room without chiming like things? no. man the noises my house makes kinda freak me out!

Okay. So brother's second car--broke the tie-rod and crushed the driver's side door in and ooh both airbags deployed--which happens when you smash into a concrete block going 35 (plus ice momentum) miles per hour. Brother needs car for work--as his only source of income at the moment is a paper route. So yeah-for rentals and insurance companies that provide them.

family, random

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