(no subject)

May 03, 2009 21:34

Back at work this week and everything is fine. Opened a few accounts this week most notably yesterday; this year I haven't opened anywhere near as many as usual but hey, there's a credit crunch on don't ya know ;) Yesterday was two opened and one declined which is the best so far for any of my shifts this year.

Weather this week was nowhere near as nice as the week I had off but I was expecting that. What I do find a tad annoying is having to work a full day on Saturday when the weather was lovely, only to find that neither today or tomorrow will be anywhere near as nice. Like, if I can't enjoy the sunny day due to work I'd like a sunny day off to compensate :P

This week's rota has been altered slightly in that I am working the afternoon on Thursday instead of the morning. Doesn't bother me; means I don't have to get up at stupid o' clock. As I have Saturday booked off it means I have no early starts at all this week. Friday sees me going to the Fuze event at Slimes hence the Saturday booked off (for recovery).

Still not booked my ticket yet for Combi cos while my colleague has agreed to a shift-swap, since then I have had my week off, she was ill this week just gone, and this week work have implemented a new "shift swap form" system. Basically I have to fill it in with the shift I can't work, put in the name of the colleague covering me and what my new shift will be. Then we both sign it, and I hand it to one of the managers in charge of the rotas. Nothing wrong with it, just means that I can't book the ticket until I get the slip returned to me, signed by a manager. Basically it puts a delay on things.

Really want to see Aesthetic Perfection live cos I've not seen them before. Combi I've seen loads of times, and Uberbyte have improved with every gig I have seen plus I'd like to see the new material live. I don't see a problem in swapping my shift, as my colleague would be doing the afternoon of the day after the gig anyway so I'd work the afternoon, she'd work the morning. I just have to wait for the stupid form.

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