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Apr 26, 2009 19:03

Not sure if something is wrong with me but a few times in the past week I've had weepy moments not unlike PMT. At the same time, I've had physical symptoms demonstrating that I am mid-cycle so if my body dares to give me another premature period then I will be straight down to see the doctor!

My docotr retired as well; I found that out through my mum last weekend. I said that if I could choose which doctor I'd have to replace him, then I would choose Dr Cave, as he's the one I saw when I last had a major knee problem and he sorted it out for me. On Friday I had a letter from my doctor's and I have been given him as my doctor! So that's cool now, if I get any more knee flare-ups I know this guy will sort it.

On to yesterday, then; Jamie and I went to London in the day so we could visit a Picasso exhibition. Then he visited a friend in order to fix her computer, so I trawled round Camden for a while before killing the rest of my time waiting for Rich and co at Paddington station.

Once everyone had arrived and they were all fed n stuff we made our way to Slimes. Krat had been a sweetie and had guested me for the gig, so a big hug and kiss to him. The dodgy steampunk pre-show event was still running when we arrived and it took ages for the staff to get the top floor open again, so we were all stuck on mid-floor for longer than expected. Music was okay though.

Top floor finally open, I eventually got myself a wristband so I could go and see Krat backstage. I also got to meet the Phosgore peeps who were very nice. Really enjoyed their set but I LOVED the Peoples Rep of Europe! OMG it was soooo stompy,  Krat said a large chunk of the set was from the new album so I am now the proud owner of said new PRoE album and will have to listen to it later.

There was one particularly bad aspect to the night that really killed it for me; and that was the total retard who was dancing on the plinth upstairs with me from time to time. She wasn't all bad I will grant that, but she appeared drunk or on something, judging by the way she was all over the place. She bumped into me a few times, and at first I tolerated it. She'd leave the plinth and reappear randomly through the night. I was never angry with her, nor was I rude at her. The next time she bumped me (it was about three times within the space of five minutes) and I said to her that there was plenty of room, she got a bit narky and was all "sorry, sorry". i knew it was accidental which is why I didn't get stroppy and besides, I was in a good mood.

Nearer the end of the night however she grabbed who I thought was her partner by both hands and led him onto the plinth, and the pair of them were dancing like retards together, while I was just stomping away quite happily at the front of the plinth near the dancefloor. She bumped me again, and admittedly I caught her by accident while I was dancing, but she got really arrrogant and stood with her back to me deliberately in the way and ensured that she got me twice with her elbow, so I moved her aside. She got really nasty with me, ranting and being totally gay, though with my earplugs in I didn't hear any of her ranting. The thing was, most of the time it was just me and her on the plinth and there was plenty of room to accommodate us both quite happily. She chose to dance like a total retard and just didn't learn after the nth time that she walked into me that it was her fault.

I'm also surprised that she tried to square up to me as it is now quite obvious to the casual observer that I do look after myself and work out. Had she tried to get physical I would have had no trouble putting her on the deck but I didn't want trouble or any form of confrontation. I think it was such an audacity to get larey at me when earlier she had given me numerous apologies for wandering over into me. Of course, I got fired up and was just waiting for her ot come back and have another go so I couldn't relax nor dance properly for fear of accidentally catching her with my arm; she would have viewed that as a deliberate assault and I was just not going to go there. What wound me up more was finding that this incident tripped what can only be described as a PMT-type weepy. Didn't let the bint know i was upset, of course, but later I had to let it out which I did in the loos.

Not being able to locate my friends when I was leaving just topped it off nicely, so I didn't bother going to the cafe for food, I went straight to Euston to get the train home.
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