Uh...wait! (Bleach Chapter 541)

Jun 12, 2013 07:04

I totally agree Ichigo!  And DAMN, but as dramatically as things were presented.......

I don't think Zangetsu (or whatever his name is) is actually gone.  For one thing he's part of Ichigo's power!  For another, all he talked about was suppressing a lot of Ichigo's power.  But now he's decided that Ichigo can handle it.  So I think he's just stepping back, feeling he no longer has to actively guide (read: control) things.

But the revelation about the name, that HE is not Zangetsu, and how it was the hollow that was the zanpacto has me wondering.  Do we finally have a name of Ichi's hollow?  Is the hollow Zangetsu?  If that's the case, then fanfics just became VERY confusing :P

Finally it does seem like I have my answer about that exchange between Zangetsu and Hollow Ichigo ("Can I go back now?" - Hollow.  "Yes."- Zangetsu).  After all, if Zangetsu was calling the shots and deciding when the hollow get to come out and play then it would make a lot of sense.  More so if the hollow was following orders in the name of teaching Ichigo and making his stronger.  But of course this then begs the question of HOW Zangetsu was able to subjugate such a powerful creature when Mizaki needed the soul of a shinigami to mange the same.  Shouldn't her fully trained Quincy power be able to handle it?  Until recently, Ichigo had no idea he HAD Quincy powers.

ichigo, zangetsu, manga, bleach

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