Jun 05, 2013 07:06


*looks at Bleach 540 and gibbers incoherently*


If you don't want spoilers, run away now!

Oh my gods!  That has to be one of eh best twists I've seen in a LONG time.

I as kind of panicking because last issues end with "say good bye to Zangetsu" which is....*whimpers*  I mean it's Zangetsu, the Old Man, who is awesome and cool and has always helped Ichigo.  Well mostly helped him.  Maybe tried to kill him in the name of training but it's a minor detail!

So as Ichigo's zanpacto is reforged we are told of Zangetsu's true nature.  It's been assumed form day one that Zangetsu was the spirit of Ichigo's zanpacto, and that the hallow was an interloper or add-on.  Now we've learned that it's the reverse!  Teh hollow is teh real zanpacto, and Zangetsu is the interloper, one tied to teh new big bad: Yhwach, the 1000 year old Quincy, whi Zangetsu looks like. o.o It also implies that Zangetsu is in some way related to (if not responsible for) Ichigo's Quincy powers.

This of course now brings all kinds of things into qeustion.  We all remember the firnst time we saw Shiro is Ichigo's mind scape and how when the confrontation was over asked Zangetsu if he could "go back now".  Does this mean that Zangetsu was subjugating the hollow?  Oh the questions!

Okay, I'm going to be squeeeeing in the corner.
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