Comics I LIKE

Jan 28, 2012 17:51

And here is why.

Teen Titans --  I normally don't go for team books because they always feel flat with non of the characters really getting enough screen time.  I can happily say that TT doesn't fall into that category.  I'm absolutely loving the story and the characterization.  The is the first time I've actually LIKE Wonder Girl.  Before, she just annoyed me.  It's also the ONLY book where I can get my Timmy fix, so I'm VERY happy that he and the others are being handled so well.

Superboy -- I started reading this one because I really DON'T know much about the character and it seemed like an opportunity to get in on the ground floor.  Especially since he's crossing over with the above title.  I'm loving how he's learning who is he is AND who he wants to be.  This title have been a fun romp and I'm looking forward to how things play out.

JLA -- Fun!  Just FUN.  I was sold on the first one when Bruce stole Hal's ring and it's only gotten better.  I also really like that this Bruce seems to have a sense of humour AND is Batgod/jerk.  Again, it's a team book and only a few of the players are getting air time,but what I do see of them IS quality, so I'm keeping this one.

Batman: Dark Knight -- I actually fell in love with this one pre-relaunch.  I know I know a lot of folks hate it, but it's nice to see a back to basics Batbook again.  It reminds me a lot of LotDK, which was one of my fav titles.  So despite what the detractors say, I'm going to hang onto this one, especially seeing as many of the Batbooks are sooooo....meh.

Batman -- Scott Synder is a good writer and I enjoy his stories in general.  This book is also a back to basics Bat story, which is as it should be.  I like seeing Bruce us his brain and being a detective.

Nightwing -- This is good.  One, Dick is recognizably himself and two, I'm glad that the circus is back!  It's fun seeing Dick being a big boy but also getting back to his roots and it's damned refreshing that he's not angsting over Bruce's approval.  And it's Dick!  Best ass in DC.  What's not to love?

Deathstroke -- This is probably the closest I've seen Slade to the merc I love in almost a decade.  He's still missing his code that was so much part of him, but maybe that will come up in the future.

Wonder Woman -- Again, this is a character I've never really followed, so when the relaunch happened I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm glad I did.  I've been enjoying it.  I know that there have been some changes to her canon, but form my perspective, they make sense and make things interesting.

Superman and Action Comics -- These I started reading on a recommendation.  I'm glad I did, while Superman has never been one I followed (other then Superman/Batman) I've been starting to get into his story.  It's neat to see fresh twists on long standing elements of his canon.

I never thought that I'd be branching out from the Batbooks, but now (sadly) most of the comics that are worth reading seem to be a of non- or quasi-bat nature/.

review, comics

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