Rant: Red Hood and the Outlaws

Jan 28, 2012 15:24

I'm probably going to be bitching a LOT.  I'll try to write about what's I LIKE in comics next time.  But right now RHatO is driving my BONKERS!

1) The reason I like the Bats is that they DON'T do a lot of supernatural stuff.  It's more "real" as far as such things go in comics.  But here we are deal with eh All-Caste, the Untitled and Magical places that quasi-exist.  And for some reason JASON at at the heart of it, with no real explanation at all!

2) As I've said before, this is NOT the Jason I know and love.  Somehow (again, unexplained) he's magically moved past his issues with Bruce and the rest of his family..

3) It's like....this book is AU without any indication that's the intent.  Now, I LIKE AUs, they are awesome fun.  But it needs to BE such.  Not this wish-washy nonsense that going on in the DCnU, currently.  and for the same of enjoying the character's and story I'm TRYING to give it the Smallville treatment, but it's just not working!

I'm just so very pissed off.  I love Jason and Roy and while the boys are fun here, it's not the boys *I* KNOW.  I don't want to give up, I want to support the characters I love, but how can I when they aren't even recognizable?

rant, dc, roy, jason, comics

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