Ficcing Agan!

Jan 28, 2012 09:01

Oh man it feels good to get back to writing fanfics :)  I've missed it.  Fro too long I've let my disappointment withe the relaunch piss me off and make me jaded.  But the thing I realize is that with the comics being such a let down SOMEONE has to make good stories happen, so why not just do it?

Anyhow, the last two parts  of Forced Awareness are at the betas.  And I've started on a new series.  You all know I love Jason, so yes he's involved.  In this an accident at STAR labs has him universe hopping again and he ends up DCAU Gotham, about a week after Batman and Batgirl rescue Tim from Harley and the Joker.  H/C hoo!

Yes, I know, I have a bunch of other things to work on, but this bunny just grabbed me and wouldn't let go.  After I get a couple of chapters of this out, I'll see about doing some flist promts for some variety, so stay tuned :)

update, forced awareness, writing, plot bunnies, fics, dcau

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