3 ♕ The latest trend is humbly reaching out

Dec 04, 2011 23:09

[ Hmm, those yukatas were quite fashionable. Almost a shame to let them go. Still, ultimately there's nothing like his own selection.

Buckingham's last two transmission were conveniently timed accidents. His current project is a deliberate video message. He holds up the device and eyes it sceptically for a moment before deeming the results satisfactory. ]

...Ah yes, I trust I'm not merely speaking to myself at the moment.

[ A broad smile. ]

Now, I would most humbly request the assistance of somebody more familiar with this ingenious device. I'm led to believe it is capable of rather more than I can coax out of it myself.

[ Which so far is mostly pushing buttons and hoping for the best. ]

Ah, locked transmission was the term, I believe?

[ A pause for thought. ]

Before I forget, another thing. I suppose...

[ It's tentative, most of all, with tasty grains of derision and sprinkles of hope thrown into the mix. ]

I suppose a response would be too much to hope for if I were to look for a manservant here. It would, wouldn't it?

[ A sigh, just before the transmission ends. ]

{accelerator}, .ic, {evelyn carnahan}, {santana lopez}, {athos}

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