4 ♕ The latest trend is painting a self-portrait

Dec 19, 2011 01:33

[ Welcome, dear reader, to our most humble and festive OOC note! In this post you shall be provided with three exceptional interaction opportunities! Observe, enjoy and kindly specify which part your response pertains to, should context not make it abundantly clear. ♥ ]

[1. It's a lovely and warm December morning in the mansion. The Duke of Buckingham struts elegantly through the halls, examining Wonderland's Christmas decorations with much scrutiny. Do run into him and speak to airshipswank, if you so desire. ]

[2. It's a lovely and crisp December morning outside. A fellow named George cautiously wanders the snowy grounds, looking in awe at the landscape that surrounds him. His appearance is rather similar to a certain noble resident, however his clothing and style of hair and beard prefer to be a great deal more modest. He himself prefers solitude, but if you don't startle starshipsail too much he will certainly be glad to indulge you with a few words. ]

[3. It's a calm and beautiful evening on the same day, a day that has undoubtedly led to many strange encounters. The result of one of them shall now be transmitted accidentally for your viewing pleasure:

The Duke of Buckingham stands tall and majestic, posing in a most exquisite outfit. For the camera you say? Why no, of course not! ..Not this time, at least.

You see, on the very far right of the video image you will see another man, a man with curiously similar physique to the first, his back turned to the camera while he is painting the duke's portrait with great care and dedication.

So indeed, both airshipswank and starshipsail are perhaps a little preoccupied at the moment, but they should be able to spare a few words for their dedicated audience. ]

meet the mirror, .ic, that beautiful bastard, what narcissism?, the more the merrier

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