1. Full name?
You don't get it. Sorry.
2. Male/Female?
I think I'm a female. I mean, I have boobs, that counts right? Oh wait...
3. Were you named after anyone?
A pair of twins my mom knew back in grade school. It was thrown out as a joke. I loves it.
4. Does your name mean anything?
Ffff, I found something with my first name meaning once. Once in my entire life so far. But it breaks down to "windy woods." My grandmother was horrified that other schoolkids would call me that, but she overestimated the general intelligence of people. My last name is pretty much "Smith" in Czech.
5. Nickname(s)?
Airen on the internets. Also used to be Melony. Also, toothpick, but I always hated that one.
6. What do you think you look like?
Depends on the day. Lately it's been some badass chick like Kara Thrace or Luffy, but I can be a dark, brooding man too. Depends on the day.
7. Date of birth?
April 17.
8. Place of birth and current location?
Same place, actually. I moved far. COS.
9. Nationality?
1/4 Czech (or Slovakian because we don't know where we're from). Cherokee, Scots-Irish, Black Dutch which turns out to be Cherokee again and more I don't remember.
10) Astrology sign?
Aries. Baah RAM you. (like, two people might get that.)
11) Chinese astrology zodiac sign?
12) Religion?
Pagan. It's a nice easy explanation.
13) What's your favorite smell?
Heat. Coffee is pretty good too. So is just before/after rain: ie humidity.
14) Political Position?
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee. Sometimes coffee and juice. Or coffee and water. Or coffee and tea. I can't drink soda or lemonade.
16) Hair + eye color?
Steel blue. (So that blue that isn't a true blue eye and would just genetically be considered colored.)
17) Do you look like anyone famous?
Uma Thurman. Wavy blond hair, distinctive, kinda round nose. That's where the similarity ends, but that doesn't stop everyone from telling me I look like her.
18) What do you look like?
Oh god, I look like that?. Not tall (not anymore, I'm pretty midsized now), kinda dumpy, with gigantic eyes that will consume your soul, and freak my friends out.
19) Any unusual talents?
Ah shit, what was my mundane super power? The ability to use aluminum foil? I can't remember.
20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?
Right. Tried to be ambidextrous back in school in my weird worry that I'd lose my right hand and have to compensate. I suck.
21) Gay, straight, bi, or other?
Straight, but who the hell knows? It's the only thing I've ever tried.
22) What do you do for a living?
Desk and phone monkey. Eep eep?
23) What do you do for fun?
Vidjamagames. Sometimes art. Sometimes writing. Shopping? All my to do list isn't fun, it's work. :P Besides games I don't know what I have "fun" at anymore.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?
6H pencil, plus .7 mechanical pencil. Or that's what I work the most in. Oil paint is fun. But I don't have fun anymore, so I don't paint.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?
Metalworking. God I'd love to be able to make jewelry.
26) Have you met your grandparents?
One lives 20 minutes from me. Another lives in his own self imposed exile. The other two are dead. (Have met them though, yes.) This is an odd question for me.
27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Stone cold, dead as a doornail single?
28) Crush?
Not on any breathing person. (Celebrities barely count.)
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?
Speak of the devil. Ah god, I hate admitting things like this, but Christian Kane. *goes to hide in a hole*
30) Current worries?
Ha. Hahahahahaha. Ha. Life. Am I getting the damned costume done in time?
31) Favorite online guy/girl(s)?
I like the "people aren't something you choose a favorite of" answer. :D
32) Favorite place to be?
In the waves on a beach.
33) Least favorite place to be?
This desk? Oh wait...
34) Do you burn or tan?
Tan. I can and will burn, but then it turns into a tan. It's the Cherokee.
35) Ever break a bone?
Tried to.
36) What is your favorite cereal?
Ohs. :3
37) Person you cry with?
My cat?
Do you have...
38) Any sisters?
39) Any brothers?
40) Any pets?
Evil fuzzball White Ninja of not-so-ninjaness: Splash. Actually responds to "goober."
41) An illness?
Endometriosis, the lovely fun illness of spine ripping pain and invisibility. Also invites strangers to ask when you're going to be popping out teh babies. Because that's totally a first date topic!
42) A pager?
I was what, 10 when those were big? No.
43) A personal phone line?
44) A cell phone?
Sometimes. Sometimes its a brick.
45) A visible birthmark?
Big thumb sized brown spot on my belly. I loves it. (And yet I freaked out with the lap scars. Go figure.)
46) A pool or hot tub?
I had a pool. T_T
47) A car?
WRX with STI upgrades, named Merlin. Won't go into first gear unless stopped. Has learned the spell to transmute money into air.
48) Personality?
Shy. It was a game at faire to see if they could get me to say more than two words at once. Yes, it's that prominent. I'm eternally called quiet. I call myself kicked puppy: I'll do anything to get you to like me.
49) Driving?
Love driving, especially in the mountains. Am still going to mount a vulcan cannon to Merlin someday so I can drive in this city without losing my mind, but I actually like driving. Just not in both rush hours every day for 5 years.
50) Your clothing style?
Rocker/goth/what allows me to look decent in an office that doesn't mind that I used to walk around in a tail sometimes.
51) Room?
Yes I has a room. Does it have style? Rocker/goth/eclectic.
52) What’s missing?
Confidence. The badassness that goes with rocker chic.
53) School?
Is long in the past, suckers! (Oh god, can I go back to college? T_T )
54) Bed?
I has it. Queen sized mahogany sleigh bed.
55) Relationship with your parent(s)?
Good. I miss them. T_T
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes. And I wish I didn't.
58) Consider yourself a good listener?
Good listener. Shitty talker. I don't know what to say back.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?
Currently it is to be able to live at the beach with a dog, surf in the mornings and do art for a living. Pipe dream of the fucking century there.
60) Get along with your parents?
Wouldn't question 55 be indicative of this one? YES. We may not see eye to eye on things, and drive each other crazy sometimes but that's family. That's more than one human in the same physical vicinity.
61) Save your e-mail conversations?
Oh yeah. I freak if I can't restore them after an OS wipe.
62) Pray?
I suppose. It's a better word than "spell" because I don't do spells. But I don't throw my hands up in the air and ask a incorporeal entity to sort out my life or absolve me of the shit I've done. I used to as a kid. (Grew up mostly RLDS.) When I prayed to become a cat and it didn't happen I realized prayers are shit. Actions matter. Energy change matters. Wanting something doesn't do shit.
63) Believe in reincarnation?
Yes. I was a Nazi soldier in a past life. Really freaky to realize that one when you're 12 or so.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?
65) Like to talk on the phone?
Depends on the person. For my job, no way in hell. Yet I'm a receptionist. :/ But I like talking to my friends.
66) Like to eat?
No not at all, whatever would give you that idea?
67) Like to exercise?
Used to. But guess what, my body is a piece of shit now! It hates me. I can't even fucking do yoga now. Fucking piece of shit can I just stab it out of me and then maybe I can go back to normal and not have to cry all the time or be able to walk to the fucking mailbox without wincing in pain or maybe HAVE A NORMAL FUCKING LIFE. Not angry at all, what would give you that idea?
68) Like to watch sports?
More with people than without, yes. I have 2 F1 races sitting on the DVR because it really sucks not to watch it with someone else.
69) Sing in the car?
It's the only place I sing. Although I might start doing so at guitar lessons too, I dunno...
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?
I used to have this mermaid dream a lot. Oh and the man melting babies one. Now, not so much.
71) Dream in color?
Always. My brain is technicolored.
72) Do you have nightmares?
The other day a wasp the size of my cat flew down my shirt and started stinging me and I couldn't get it out. Worst was the dogs trying to tear apart the car to get to me because it wouldn't end. I stayed up for an hour, went back to sleep and they were still there.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal?
Currently it's about 5 of them.
74) What's right next to you?
Phone, phone pad, pen, birthday card, receipts, gloves, cold tea, three kleenexes, fan, nail polish remover, car key- goddamn my desk is a mess.
75) What's on your favorite mug?
It's a handmade one from a potter in Irish Beach. Pretty greenish blue with wing/wave like shapes.
76) What's on your mouse pad?
Blue with a gel wrist thingy. Both at work and home.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum?
Citrus, but no one has that.
78) Your brand of deodorant?
Whatever will freaking work.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot?
80) Your dream husband/wife?
Goe? XD No actually, not even him, we'd be all moody and emo together. I like Leon too, but then again I give even him issues...
81) What's hiding in your closet
Most likely a cat.
82) Under your bed?
Again, a cat.
83) The name of your closest/best friends?
All of them! Mwahahahaha!
84) Your bad time of the day?
Emo'o'clock. Which it looks like I'm in.
85) Your worst fear(s)?
Disappointment. Failure.
86) What's the weather like?
Hotter than it's supposed to be. It broke 80 today.
87) Your favorite time of year?
88) Your favorite holiday?
89) A material weakness?
Stuff. Material possessions. Clothes. BOOTS.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like?
What I eat isn't considered weird by really any stretch since I haven't consumed bugs or spiders or whatnot.
91) Languages?
Tiniest bit of French still left. And Hi'Ardan.
92) The hardest thing about growing up?
People suck. Hard.
93) A pet peeve?
Drivers on the way to work who don't pay attention to signs and can't figure out what the fuck merging is. Chewing with your mouth open.
94)Your scariest moment?
Well since it was an honest basic reaction with no debate or higher level thought involved: when I met a mountain lion cub on the path in the mountains and bolted. I should not have fucking run.
95) Your attitude about love?
Fuck it, I have an idealized image in my head. But it honestly sucks. Sucks more because I know I can't have what I want. Can't become a cat, dipshit.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex.
I asked out a guy before class. He was gay. I learned the true meaning of the word mortification. Asking out NEVER WORKS, so I don't even think to try anymore.
97) The worst feeling in the world?
Self hate.
98) The best feeling in the world?