
Jan 04, 2010 10:20

A day that starts off with a migraine in the middle of the night and then wakes to excruciating pain is never a good day. (It doesn't help that I don't know what the third trigger was. And the second one is on shakey ground and I'm clinging to it only because barometric pressure has never induced a migraine all by itself in the 14 years I've been paying attention. Blah.)

And I had such fun yesterday off in Dragon Age Land. Not fair. Real life sucks. (So does getting your ass handed to you by skeletons, but in a totally different way.)*

I need to do my 2010 resolutions. Which is the whole reason for this post. (And procrastination. But that doesn't count.)

- Play guitar every day
A little bit of a change up from the standard one. I'm stuck and I feel like I'm learning nothing and still can't play even after two years of lessons. So this is a way to get at least muscle memory going so maybe I don't feel like I suck quite as much.

- Keep up the coloring in the mornings thing
If for nothing else than to get rid of the freaking backlog I have. That and it's good practice and currently I'm playing with new techniques. Underpainting a digital piece. What an amazing invention. DX The fuck did it take me 7 years to figure out? I do it on every single oil painting. Yeah, anyway...

- Draw something every week
If I kept with the "color, play guitar, draw and work out every day" thing I'd last about...a day. Although the hazards with saying do something every week is that by the end of the week you realize that you haven't done it and then everything has to be done in one day. I might need to actually say "every Tuesday draw something, every Wednesday go paint" etc. But I've noticed if I let a week lapse it's that much harder to pick up the pencil again because I feel like I've lost some hand-eye coordination.

- Paint more
This is kind of fuzzy and up in the air for the moment. I want to say "paint every week" but there's logistics in there that I have to work out because my studio is not in my apartment. But that's my goal. And that's one of those things that's likely have a day of the week assigned.

- Stress less
Hahaha. Mostly this is in regards to other people and my reactions. I can't govern them, but I can tell myself that it's their deal, not my problem. Maybe if I say it enough I'll come to believe it.

- If I want to play games, play the fucking game
Because I have a probably 6 or 7 year backlog of drawings to color, things to write, things to publish, things to clean, another whole 40 hour week of crap to do- that I'll actually want to play a video game but I won't let myself because I have all this shit to do but I don't want to do it and so I end up wasting a day on the couch staring at the tv. And this is a regular occurrence. And I want to stop it before I get like my mom. So my goal is if I want to play, I'm going to play. To Do List be damned.

- Keep up on stories
If I have to I'll set aside time weekly to do it. But I've been horrible and since we're starting a new campaign it'd be nice to, you know, actually do it. Blah.

I'm setting goddamn deadlines for myself. Right now it's "By the end of February, have looked through and rewritten glaringly obvious issues. Maybe try another first chapter. But have a synopsis and the first three PRINTED OUT and ready to mail by February 28th." I'd rather set it for Jan 31st, but there's a gallery show I'm looking at, and I might need to get two paintings done by Jan 31ist. Since I only have one to submit at the moment. (Well, okay, maybe two. Maybe.)

I think that's it. I want to get back to the "clean up a little before you go to bed and avoid spending a couple hours down the road" thing that I was doing for a while there. It's kinda hard when 30% of your free space is taken up by a giant tub of doom though, so maybe I'll start that after I tear down Christmas decorations next weekend.

Oh, and you know, sleep. Cause I need to get up and blow dry my hair every other day, I kind of need to haul myself out of bed so that I can get it done before I get to work.

And reading more would be nice, although you can tell by the above list and the fact that I still haven't finished A Game of Thrones that no matter how good the book is, free time is a factor.

* My dog is the only one that survives anything. Even Alistair dies before I do. Every. Damn. Time. "Where the heck did Alistair go? Oh look, he's dead. Again." I've even stopped healing his injuries because as soon as I do he's just going to die again and get another one.

health, games, resolutions

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