May 21, 2011 11:02
I have a cold. Hopefully getting over said cold, since I am now on Day 7. The show I stage manage right now is full of young people. I find I tend to get a cold when I work with them.
All the attention on the supposed Rapture is amusing. I've been driving by a Rapture billboard for months now- till it got replaced recently with an had for hairdressing school. No one I know takes it seriously, which is a relief. I went to a rather blasphemous Rapture party last night. Only mildly uncomfortable lol.
Last week, Jeff and I watched a documentary on the atomic bomb. It was full of footage from the military/DOD of actual atomic and hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific and Neveda. This was most uncomfortable and scary. The destruction, the size of the blast... Then the day after I watched this Fresh Air on NPR had a program about a new book on Area 51. They talked about bomb tests too.
Both my jobs just had major projects due this past week. The arts center had program books due for the last of the school district music festivals. That was a beast, especially since in the 11th hour for one of the festivals two weeks ago we had to re-print a whole day's worth of programs because of school district politics. The theatre had its season brochure and then season programs. Since the theatre does shows in repertory, the program covers six productions. There's still another big project for the arts center to finish, but I don't have a print deadline necessarily. Just my boss who really really wants it done so badly that he micromanages my time.
On the domestic side, my apartment is a mess but my garden is good. I planted radishes and carrots a few weeks ago- already have some veggies! They are little- gotta to be honest here- but I feel accomplished to have grown radishes on my balcony. The seeds I just planted were garlic chives and purple basil. I need to plan my "space saving" cucumbers and sunflowers soon. On the recommendation on a fav gardening blog, I got two Smart Pots. They supposedly breathe better and don't dry out as fast as other pots. Anyone want to see pics?