Woah, what a week! I got so much done, even got to projects that had been shelved for several months. Also heard a tidbit of something cool that could impact me in a positive way. This tidbit won't be elaborated upon for another week and a half though.
Jeff and I are going to Death Valley tomorrow with friends. I'm looking forward to wild flowers. Also, beautiful rocks. I want to take more pictures too. Ever since Jeff got into photography, I've become lazy. Why take pictures if he is doing it? Time to break the cycle!
My lemon tree is doing better. No fruit yet, but it lost a lot of buds when it moved in with me. I had an aphid problem that I finally got under control with some insecticidal soap. At the moment, it's the only thing growing on my balcony. I have two empty pots and a plastic planter to fill. I just need seeds first, and stuff to sow them indoors. I'm thinking of blue sweet peas and some herbs and veggies.
Renee's Garden has a good intro edible seed pack I want to get.
I'd say the big excitement of the week (besides going to Death Valley, I suppose) is that I got my hair cut last night. There's a fantastic salon in Simi that I started going to. I go months in between hair cuts, b/c good ones are too pricey for me to go every 6 weeks. Nothing changed dramatically, but I'm quite happy.