Forgotten Fandoms: Battle
This battle is dedicated to the Forgotten Fandoms, current and past, that for some reason don't find the same love and appreciation as others do. All mediums are welcome [Television, Film, Anime etc], the singular defining point is that the fandom base (or icon-related graphics base) isn't huge.
The number of sign-ups will determine the number of icons made, however if enough people show interest there is always an option of splitting into several groups in order to show enough love for the forgotten fandoms. That being said, I'd love to encourage as many people to sign-up as possible so maximum number of icons will either be achievable within a smaller time frame, or off-set with extra time to complete the task.
For the minute, however, we will simply work with the sign-up period. If you are interested, please use the following form to sign-up. Sign Ups will be open till June 16th.
Questions can be directed
to this comment if you have any relating to the theme of the battle or anything else battle related.
Name:Forgotten fandom of choice:Anything else to add? Participating Makers
raiindust: Suits - Submitted
satinelight: Lost Girl
superjesster: Ripper Street - Submitted
applepips16: Raising Hope - Submitted
daleksaresexy: Bates Motel - Withdrawn
universaldogma: Psycho Pass - Submitted
the_silverdoe: Spooks/MI-5 - Withdrawn
john_scorpy: The Big Bang Theory
thyla87: Six Feet Under - Submitted
sirvalkyrie: Precure
anassa_anemou: The New Normal - Submitted
kasiopeia: Haven - Submitted
vampire_sessah: Defiance - Submitted
marcasite: Ringer
geckoholic: The Killing
Please feel free to promote the battle!" target="_blank">" >">Forgotten Fandoms: Battle