Aimz is made of lamesauce today.

Feb 11, 2009 19:38

I went to the doctor's today. It's all very TMI, so maybe I'll go into that in a locked post. o_O

On a totally different note... have some memes!

Icon meme I swiped from barreled:

① how do you feel right now?

② what's your favorite pastime?

③ do you consider yourself a strange person?

That is all.

④ what's your main fandom (this week)?

Well, it's a coin toss between that and Dead Space.

⑤ otp (this week)?

WHAT THE HELL OH GOD. *hides face in utter SHAME*

⑥ how do you describe yourself?

⑦ how do others describe you?

⑧ what's your favorite icon to use that's not your default?

It would be the "DISCO!" one, but I already picked that for an above answer. :P

⑨ do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?

I love you Laraaaaaaaa.

⑩ do you have an LOLWUT icon?

Fear him, damn you.

And that movie soundtrack meme (twice!), which, yes, I know is an oldie, but it's a goodie. Swiped from andromedacblack:


So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... and alot of the songs fit with the setting

Opening Credits: If You Were Here - BoA (Uhh... I guess it works? Musically, anyway? *note that I have no idea what the lyrics mean*)

Waking Up: Gritzy Desert - Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack (Hmmm. Yeah.)

First Day At School: appears (Armin van Buuren remix) - Ayumi Hamasaki (RAAAAAAVE.)

Falling In Love: Don't Give Up (M&S Epic Club Mix) - Michelle Weeks (WOT.)

Fight Song: Menu 1 - Super Smash Bros. Melee soundtrack (HAHAHA.)

Breaking Up: Tiny Arena - Crash Team Racing soundtrack (This is the most fucked-up movie soundtrack ever.)

Prom night: What's Goin' Down - The Black Eyed Peas (At least it actually kind of fits.)

Life: Stay Together - Suede (<3)

Mental Breakdown: Snake Eater (Instrumental) - Cynthia Harrell - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater soundtrack (Okily-dokily then.)

Driving: Human Nature (Howie Tee Remix) - Madonna (...It kind of works?)

Flashback: Cid's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy VII soundtrack (Epiiiiic.)

Getting back together: Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me - Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 3 soundtrack (Um, oh dear.)

Wedding: The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie (...)

Birth of Child: Richard Saved - Shusaku Uchiyama - Resident Evil REmake soundtrack (o_O)

Final Battle: Arms Around The World (Rated PG Club Mix) - Louise (LMFAO.)

Funeral Song: Here, There, Everywhere - Akihiko Matsumoto - Resident Evil: Outbreak soundtrack (RARGH I'm a zombie.)

Final Credits: Onde Estas - Nelly Furtado (Ahh, relaxing.)


So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... and alot of the songs fit with the setting

Opening Credits: The Show Must Go On (Original Film Version) - Nicole Kidman, Jim Broadbent & Anthony Weigh - Moulin Rouge! soundtrack (DRAMA.)

Waking Up: Darth Sidious (First Run) - John Williams - Star Wars Episode I: The Phanton Menance expanded soundtrack (O_O That does not bode well.)

First Day At School: Mas Que Nada (Echobeatz Dub Mix) - Echobeatz (Fun, fun, fun.)

Falling In Love: Crime and the Punishment - Yeong-wook Jo - Sympathy for Lady Vengeance soundtrack (Ha ha, I haven't even seen this movie yet.)

Fight Song: The Front Hall - Masami Ueda - Resident Evil 2 soundtrack (A very slow fight, then?)

Breaking Up: My Prayer - BoA (Again with the "I have no idea what the lyrics mean, but it seems to fit musically".)

Prom night: Don't Mess With My Man - Booty Luv (*hides face in shame*)

Life: Selling Jesus - Skunk Anansie (O...kay.)

Mental Breakdown: It's the Harrier! - Harry Gregson-Williams - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty soundtrack (Huh.)

Driving: The Longing Remains - Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill movie soundtrack (A sad drive, then?)

Flashback: Multiplayer Theme 1 - Hunters - Kenji Yamamoto - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes soundtrack (... Yeeeaaaah.)

Getting back together: He's A Winner - Booty Luv (*snickers*)

Wedding: SURREAL (Marc et Claude remix) - Ayumi Hamasaki (Boogie on down then, I guess.)

Birth of Child: Frontin' (Skit) - Eve (Whaaaaaaat.)

Final Battle: Steam (Vapoureyes Mix) - East 17 (Where's the metal when you need it, playlist?)

Funeral Song: Roof - Shaolin Soccer soundtrack (*blinks*)

Final Credits: NYC Cunt - Princess Superstar (*LOLZ*)

Well, that was fun. I rather fancy a hot cross bun now. Laters.

food, lolz, icons, music, memes, doctor's appointments

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