Happy Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2009 22:36

Happy Valentines Day, guys. <3

Work was exceptionally annoying in parts today (take a wild guess why *cough*annoyingteamleader*cough*), not helped by customers being dumbasses. For example: there was a wet, slippery floor, because some careless kid spilled bubble mixture on it - and they and their siblings(s) were all "Tee-hee, it went everywhere! Isn't it funny?". Not if someone slips on it, you twerps.

Anyway, I walked off very quickly to try and locate a "wet floor" sign - only for one customer to move it out of the way as soon as I set it down, and I swear the silly cow was glaring at me as she did so. WTF? Then, immediately after that, another customer barged straight into it with her trolley, knowing full well that it was there. She just couldn't be bothered to go the wide way around it, and tried to squeeze through the small gap instead. Yeah, genius idea, you moron.

Then there were the usual brand of morons coming into the store. Nothing new there.

Thankfully it calmed down in the evening. A lot.

Hmmm. I need some food now.

valentine's day, work rants, stupid customers, annoying children, work, stupid co-workers

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