Yesterday with Jem

Jan 15, 2009 20:23

Yesterday, it was my day off, so me and Euan had Jem over for the day. She also came over in the evening, as she needed Euan to help her with her laptop. :)

We have also, as Jem puts it, discovered a new craze: Kitty-Guitar. Euan decided to play a rocky song on the PS3, and, as he was cuddling Chiana at the time, he started to strum her head in time to the song. She enjoyed it. XDD If Snufkin was in the room at the time, I doubt he would have enjoyed it as much.

In other news, have a meme I just randomly found:

- Go to
- Type in your answer to each question in the search box.
- Write the FIRST definition it gives you.

1.) Your name:
2.) Your age:
3.) One of your friends:
4.) What should you be doing?
5.) Your favourite colour:
6.) Your birthplace:
7.) Last person you talked to:
8.) Last thing you had to drink:
9.) Your nickname:

1.) Your name:


to take, hold, or steal your heart. a person who is a soulmate. a good lover.

she pulled an amy on my heart. (she stole or holds my heart)
my heart was amyied. (my heart was stolen)
watch out she will amy you. (she will steal your heart)
you have yourself an amy. (you have yourself a soulmate)

2.) Your age:


The greatest number of all time.

Reasons why: It is...

1. a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
2. Michael Jordan's number.
3. the NBA record for most consecutive points scored by a single player in a game, done by none other than Michael Jordan.
4. the number of chromosomes in a human sperm or egg.
5. the angle between the earth's magnetic and rotational axis.
6. the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees N Latitude.
7. the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees S Latitude.
8. a .com and the page is very cryptic.
9. the most quoted Psalm in the bible ("The Lord is my shepherd..."
10. the number of people executed in "A Tale of Two Cities"
11. the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
12. the standard TCP/IP port for Telnet.
13. one of the "Lost" numbers on the television show....also the sum of two of the other numbers (8 & 15)and the solution to 42-15-4=23, all of which are also Lost numbers.
14. the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
15. has been prominently featured in the following: Serendipity, Futurama, Star Wars A New Hope, Monty Python The Life of Brian, Seinfeld, The Big Lebowski, The Matrix Reloaded, and Die Hard III among MANY MANY other movies.
16. the number of flavors Dr. Pepper claims to be a blend of.
17. the number of distinct orientations of Tetris pieces.
18. the sum of U2, the greatest band ever. U is the 21st letter of the alphabet.
19. the number of letters in the latin alphabet.
20. the number of the Illuminati.
21. the letter W in the english alphabet, a letter with 2 points down and 3 points up.
22. the smallest number of integer sided boxes that tile a box such that no two boxes share a common length.
23. the only US president to serve between nonconsecutive terms of another president (23rd president Benjamin Harrison serving between Grover Cleveland's terms).

Michael Jordan IS number 23. Be like Mike.

3.) One of your friends:


1. A total hottie. Someone who has excellent looks, and maybe more.
2. An outstanding person, personality; a winner.

"Oh man, I could just do that jem."

4.) What should you be doing?


eat ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t)
v. ate, (t) eat·en, (tn) eat·ing, eats
v. tr.
1. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption
2. Vulgar slang. To perform oral sex on
3. Informal. To bother or annoy
4. To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting

5.) Your favourite colour:


An amazing and attractive color very much like teal.

"Man, the ocean is a beautiful shade of cerulean today."

6.) Your birthplace:


1.a total shit hole with no decent skate spots or skate parks.
2. ninesprings ... wow! a tree!
3.pearcy belongs here ... with all the other tramps.
4. plenty of sheep for the welsh, ... ok so i lied

1.poopy holien.
2.yay! water!
3.fucking arse-crammer.

7.) Last person you talked to:


metrosexual cool sweet-talker

how euan is that guy over there?

8.) Last thing you had to drink:


it's a fucking soft drink!

Pepsi is a Cola. I like Cola

9.) Your nickname:


A person or building material.

See brickface

RoBIN says:
hi aimz
*aimz* says:

The sixth definition for the first answer, however, made me sporfle:


she is one fine mean looking girl. Though she is normally horny and likes to bash people during sex.

"how was the girl last night?"
"she was good a bit of an amy though"
"i can tell from the bruises"


Okay, I'd best be off now. Time to eat some pie, play some Dead Space, and cuddle.

And this icon cracks me up.

cats, jem, lolz, memes, snufkin the cat, euan, pets, chiana the cat

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