At sometime past midnight, we came across another fucking spider in the hallway. I assumed that it may be the same one that disappeared under the carpet, but now I don't think that this is the case - see below. We (okay, Euan) chucked it outside, so either it was the first one coming back for revenge (*g*), or a completely different one. I don't exactly relish either option.
As for the "under-the-carpet" spider? Well, it seemed to show its face again this morning, just as Euan was leaving for work. We tried to get it again, but the little wanker simply disappeared again.
*Shakes fist* I'm waiting for ya, you little sod! *Nervously clutches her spider catcher, a vaccuum cleaner and a large book/shoe/insert object here*
Maybe I should apply to that BBC Three programme,
The Panic Room (provided there's another series, which there's bound to be), and see if I can overcome my fear that way. XD Except not really. I wouldn't exactly relish the thought of being on TV - that, and they've already had a fellow arachnophobic lady on there.
That being said, I would love to get over my fear someday. It all depends on whether I can find the willpower to do so or not.
Time to get ready for work. *Groans* See you all later. ^_^