*Shudder* Spiders... and zombilicious fun

Jun 08, 2007 23:18

Okay, is it the National Spiders Ganging Up On Aimz Day, or something? Because, I swear to god, I saw one of the biggest spiders ever at work today. It was outside, thank god, but jay-sus, it was ma-hoo-sive. I'm so glad it didn't find its way into the office, otherwise I'd have probably ran like a pussy.

Then, when I was helping to prepare tea after arriving home, there was a house spider in the kitchen. I freaked out and got Euan to get rid of it, which he did - eventually, as the little eight-legged bastard didn't really want to be captured. :P

Then, just as I'd managed to get over that little encounter, I saw another one of the motherfrelling things a mere few minutes later! It was on one of the stairs, and it wasn't as big as the kitchen one, but who really gives a crap about size. Spiders = not welcome in my house. So, again, I had to annoy Euan by asking him to get rid of it. However, the thing escaped underneath the carpet as soon as Euan got too close - and we still don't know where it is. If it - or any others - turn up in the bedroom, I will go apeshit.

Not long to go on Dead Rising now. I've done all the cases, and the Special Forces turned up - which really annoyed the hell out of me, because I now can't do the requests for Paul, Simone or Cheryl. *Headdesk* I also skipped one boss fight (Cletus) simply because I couldn't be arsed.

That, and I felt bad when Jessie turned into a zombie. It kicked ass when she pwned those two Special Forces guys (mmmm, tasty Adam's apple!), but still. I knew she was gonna become zombified anyway, but it was still sad, and pretty creepy. I love how it's all silent when you return to the security room and she isn't actually in the room but she's hiding somewhere... just standing utterly still. It's an eerie moment. I shot her, because I didn't want to be mean by leaving her walking around like that, but not before taking a few pictures of her. I did the same with Brad when he became zombified, so now I have the 'Snuff Shot B' and 'Snuff Shot J' achievements.

I'm now running/riding around the mall, and having endless run by throwing bottles of cooking oil and laughing as zombies slip over on the spillage. Ha-ha, stupid zombies. XD XD

Bed now. Niiiiiiight. ^_^

gaming annoyances, dead rising, lolz, argh spiders, gaming, zomg spoilers, holy crap zombies

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