You're not falling for me are you?

Sep 23, 2010 18:08

So then...

I'll admit, I wasn't too excited at first that we were gonna be watching Ouran High Host Club. I knew it was something a lot of people enjoyed, so it was probably an entertaining series, but I wasn't looking foward to all the fangasm-ing and the "OMG THIS IS THE BEST PART EVER!!11one!!one11" However, it was actually really enjoyable. So much so I'm considering going out to find the series ^^ ((I also need to find the next Soul Eater manga and some of the Scott Pilgrim comics...)) But it also made me wish that there was a group of pretty male hosts just hanging around waiting to entertain me >.> Perhaps someday...

{{Moving on, I'm still not looking for anything too serious in regards to romance, but I think it might be nice to try going on a date or two. At least meet some boys. If nothing else, you can never have too many friends! I mean, dating doesn't always lead to relationships, it would just be two people out having fun. Possibly cuddles, but regardless, it'd be nice to get back into that scene.}}

And Glee is back!

The Semester so far:Class-wise....some good some bad.
Child psych- Very slow-paced, too many irrelevant to the material questions, too much explanation (I know right?), we spent 10 minutes at the beginning going over the test we're going to take on monday. The summary: It will be multiple choice, there is an extra credit question, look over the book. After that unnecessary 10 minute synopsis...people still had questions about it at the end >.< wtf?! Sidenote: Seriously....we understand conception. If by college, you *still* have no idea how babies are made...just leave.

Lacrosse- Still fun. A bit of a challenge, considering the last time I played was 2007, but I still enjoy myself in that class. The guys are pretty fun to be around, as are the girls. It's a nice break from sitting and taking notes.

Abnormal psych- Hoping this picks up....the lessons seem a little scattered at the moment, but perhaps it's just because it's the history and biology of mental illness. I'm reserving judgement until after the first exam, that's when we'll get into the good stuff so to speak. At least the novel we are reading is pretty good ^^

Psych of Learning- Not too bad really. The professor seems pretty cool, and class today was actually fun. It's a lot of the same material rehashed, but something "slightly different" in each of the theories.

Orientation- Kinda useless....but I might switch to this professor for an advisor

Stats- It's stats. Math. A lot of math. I'm actually a little intimidated by this class to be honest. Right now I'm doing okay, mostly because it's just calculating mean, median and mode, and simple formulas. Later on in the semester, I'm sure I'll be lost in all the data and information o.o

class, love, relationships, anime, college, friends

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