Whether JEF can help Ukraine?

Mar 08, 2024 13:38

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Placed on YouTube channel of Andrei Illarionov

Andrei Illarionov's conversation with Lyudmila Nemirya. Part 1
Recording on February 27, 2024
Translation into English - privateer station

0:17 - Where are we now with the war?
1:49 - Putin announced the Russian-Ukrainian war in Yeisk on September 17, 2003
6:43 - Putin-Kuchma meeting on the Biryuchiy Island;
12:13 - Tuzla conflict
14:01 - Three stages of the war
19:00 - Third stage of the war
22:30 - The “broken glass” theory; the lack of an adequate response to aggression leads to its escalation 23:58 - Russia has become stronger economically
30:55 - Russia vs West: balance of military potentials
35:07 - Russian political regime has become tougher, repressions wider
37:53 - Policy of Western leaders is to prevent Putin's fall
38:55 - Enormous Western financial assistance to the Putin regime
40:35 - Military and economic assistance to Ukraine and Russia in 2023
43:20 - Historical examples of the share of military expenditures in GDP
46:37 - Military spending by Ukraine in 2024 - 33% of GDP
49:31 - Has Europe begun to wake up?
51:52 - To win a war, the armed forces of other states must participate; discussions at the Munich Security Conference on February 19, 2022
54:55 - How the JEF could help?
56:51 - How Europe disarmed itself, how Trump has changed this trend

Трамп, война, Россия, Обама, Украина, Путин, НАТО, Запад, Путинская война против Украины

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