Link Sausage

Jul 20, 2006 08:45

This time, with added commentary on the stuff I *don't* post (yes, there are always one or two or more that don't make it into the public posts).

  • let me explaiKnit: Not only are there knitting bloggers, there are knitting bloggers who go out of their way to teach people things. I think this is very cool.
  • Counter-Coup: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Modesty Blaise crossover fic. I don't know if it's slash or not, nor do I know what the rating is -- it was written by someone I know from Usenet.
  • Language Log: Blogging linguists.
  • hd_prophet: I haven't figured out if this is a fic rec journal, or just a compilation of fics of a certain type, but the journal design is certainly very pretty.
  • Nope, not gonna post that link, it's slashy porn with no redeeming social value and I find it somewhat philsophically disturbing to boot. (Find your own weird porn at pornish_pixies.)
  • Making a watch by hand: It's a how-to based on some guy's attempts to make all the parts of an old-school watch by hand. I'm just in awe of anyone who can cut those little gears.
  • This has a name I can't type in LJ because I'm too lazy to look up the HTML coding for the accents, but it's a post-Hogwarts H/D fic rec site.
  • Pumpkin gingerbread from the McCormick's site, spicy pumpkin gingerbread from, pumpkin spice cake from the Carnegie Museum (I think this one's low fat). Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am attempting to replicate Whole Foods' Pumpkin Celebration Cake for cadhla.
  • Pandora: Streaming radio where you get to pick the artists to start with and then vote songs on and off your very own island. It recommends stuff, and so far my recommendations haven't been too bad. Let me know if you want to get my station, it's mostly folk with a bit of country and a bit of rock. (Thanks, adb_foldem!)
  • Oh, that's a knitting_snark link, so I can't post it. But if you like knitting and you like the snark, go join the community and feel the love yourself.
  • The Princess Peep: Damn you people who post .avi to the web where I can't view it! (Safe for work, unless you work somewhere you're not allowed to fall off your chair laughing.) (via fadedpaladin, if you're going to kill anyone, it's his fault.)
  • Dress A Day: A blog about dresses. Pretty dresses, for the most part, with a bit of snark thrown in. (Warning: May contain shopping.)
  • Folkwear: It's a good thing I can't sew, because otherwise I'd probably just make all my clothes from their patterns and never be able to pass as normal again.
  • fatshion_victim: This is a neat idea for a community, since I've long claimed that designers do terrible things to larger women -- really, just because you weigh more than 100 lbs. doesn't mean you want to wear a muumuu all the time!
  • Whirling Turban: Pretty vintage-style clothes, apparently made-to-fit. I'm really tempted by a circle-skirt dress.
  • The Sartorialist: A blog of pictures of people wearing clothes well. (NB, I didn't say "wearing good clothes.")
  • Some please tell me I don't need 45 colors of fishnet thigh-highs?
  • Lolita Rose: I really want the black and white dress with the sleeves, but I can't quite bring myself to spend that much money + intercontinental shipping just so I can be a little goth milkmaid. (Quick conversion tip: USD = 2x UKP, more or less)
  • Nope, can't post that, it's a (rather nice) picture of one of my co-workers. (Speaking of, narnee, do you know shevek? It seems like you should...)
  • Evil Overlord Lists: Now with bonus advice for heroes, henchmen, and interior designers.
  • Cherry Dress: The kind of thing I'd like to think I'd wear and look good in, but know I wouldn't.
  • Lots of boring work stuff here, can't talk about any of it...
  • Project Management on Wikipedia: Hrm... I wonder if anyone ever has the time to do all of these things, or can get everyone on board to do them?
  • RT Manual: If you haven't run into RT, consider yourself spared.
  • Spam or Ham: Like Hot or Not, only with less chixxorz.

There, now you can all be amused for your Thursdays. If this isn't enough, I recommend bOINGbOING or Usenet.


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