Second Best -- Chapter 63

Jun 16, 2011 06:05

Okay, guys -- I'm officially BACK!!! :D

My sister's wedding is over, my own wedding date is set - my job is settling into a nice little routine - and I come bearing updates!!! :) First round of updates will come out between today and tomorrow, and then after this, should be back to a nice weekly schedule!!!

Thanks so much for your patience with me during this difficult time, guys :) It means so much!!!

Hope you enjoy this update :)


Title: Second Best
Beta: choose2live 
Pairing: Kradam, temporary Adam/OMC
Rating: R (possibly higher in places, but this is not primarily pron :P)
Warnings: domestic abuse, violence, angst, non-con, dub-con
Summary: When Adam confesses his feelings to Kris just before the Idol finale, Kris's reaction is not what he'd hoped for. Hurt and rejected, Adam is vulnerable to the advances of a young man who seems to be just what he needs to get over the new American Idol. But all is not as it appears to be, and he ends up in a dangerous situation that he can't escape on his own. Will Kris be able to help him -- and after the way things were left between them, will Adam even be willing to let him?

Kris’s heart pounded as the bailiff gave the command for all to rise for the judge’s entrance. His legs felt shaky and unsteady as he pulled himself to his feet, swallowing to wet his dry throat. As the prosecutor stepped forward to make her opening statement, Kris tried to steady his nerves.

This is it...

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