jlh in aific

six schmoop_bingo fics, in six pairings

Jun 16, 2011 21:28

Hello all! I wrote a pile of fics for schmoop_bingo, in several pairings.

Ninety-nine: Ryan Seacrest/Simon Cowell, Schmoop bingo: illness - minor, 577 words, G
Eric is bending the rules, Emily is under the weather, Ryan is worried, and Simon is awake for all of it. (From the Imagine Me and You 'verse.)
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Code Breaking: Chris Richardson/Blake Lewis, Schmoop bingo: falling in love, 944 words, NC-17
Sometimes you find someone speaks your language, and you didn't even realize you were saying anything. Or, Blake discovers Chris on a RCAF base in 1939. (A Dream That Could Not Last '40s AU.)
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We'll Make It Up as We Go Along: Carly Smithson/Amanda Overmyer, Schmoop bingo: summer holiday/festival, 719 words, PG
Memorial Day, 1965, in a little town outside San Francisco, and the one non-veteran in the family remembers. (A Dream That Could Not Last '40s AU.)
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A Few Kisses Ago: Anwar Robinson/Kimberley Locke, Schmoop bingo: memories, 538 words, PG-13
It's been twenty-five years since Anwar and Kimberley met in London, but it feels like yesterday. (A Dream That Could Not Last '40s AU.)
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Twist and Turn 'til You've Got It Right: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert, Schmoop bingo: spooning, 660 words, PG
Kris just wanted some variety, was all. (Keep Your Enemies Closer '90s AU.)
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That Certain Feeling: Katharine McPhee/Elliott Yamin, Schmoop bingo: nuzzling, 660 words, NC-17
Hirsuite suits her. In men, that is. (Follows Different for Girls.)
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character: adam lambert, genre: het, genre: femslash, rating: pg, rating: pg-13, genre: slash, !!fic, rating: g, rating: nc-17, character: kris allen, pairing: kris/adam

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