Title: Life is the Little Shadow
cydsaCrossover: Supernatural/American Idol RPF
Disclaimer: not my own, all borrowed. Fiction is fake.
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 19,645
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel; Adam/Kris
Warnings: nothing really… maybe snakes?
Spoilers: erm…none?
Summary: Sam and Dean head to the Ozarks in Arkansas to deal with an ancient Cherokee monster that is targeting the members of one family. Once they get to Mammoth Spring, they meet Kris, who just wants to be a musician and meet Adam Lambert. Not necessarily in that order. Then Castiel shows up and tells them that the warrior they need to kill the monster is not one of them. Set in the same ‘verse as
Three’s Not Always A CrowdBeta: My alphas, my betas, my friends
dansetheblues &
inbetweencabs who I’ve also dragged down into the SPN fandom…welcome to the wild side! :DDDDD
Author’s Notes: see end. Also huge thanks to the unbelievable & amazing
xsilverdreamsx who I dragged into the fandom & now doesn’t want to leave ♥ Although to be honest, I didn’t have to do too much pushing once she spent a little time with the boys. Written for
sncross_bigbang &
crossbigbang So much fun
Link to Story Master Post:
The Words Link to Art Master Post:
The Pretty