Club 11/04/07... the day of the 511 loss for ciBRETTy

Nov 05, 2007 10:51

It was an awesome day at club yesterday despite being majorly hungover.  I got 8 games in and went 6-2, with my first game against Dave being a landmark game and being able to play YTTERBIC again in my last game.

Game 1: vs

Take a minute to play the game.

A 511 loss!  Damn.  And I could have easily won it, too.  Double damn!

Neither of us played perfect, but that was definitely expert level play, I think.  My amateur mistake came on my second to last play when I played the wrong bingo, the anagram would have won the game.  very, very amateur indeed.  Dave made a few more mistakes than I did (the most notable of which I think were BRIDE instead of BURDIE, and NU), but most of them made only a very small differences.

Well played, Dave.

Game 2: vs. Harriette Lakernick

this was a close one.  She bingoes early with OUTEATS, but I'm sitting on both the blanks.  I hold CEIIQ??, with an open T, but missed the word.  Instead, I played QuIE(T) @ 12A = 46 [CI?].  She plays through my Q with TOQUES for 45, and on my next turn I play (S)CARlIKE*.  She bingoes back with ACIDO(S)ES to be up 50 points.  Fun.   I get down RETAINS late in the game and finish off with good mid-level plays to win 426-410.

Game 3: vs.

I get an early 46 point JEAN and two turns later miss both the bingoes in CEHINST, while unthinkingly playing NITCHES*.  It stayed.  He comes back with ITCHIEST to be down 20.  The rest of the game is a back and forth.  He burns is blank to play VeX for 54.  I get three mid 30's plays.  hold ERASURE, but it doesn't play.  After I get 20 points off for time I pull out the win, 357-331.

Game 4:  vs. 

I think we're still on one hand's worth of games between the two of us, and I don't really remember our record, but this one she definitely had me on the ropes.  I was up early with a few big 30 and 40 point plays, despite her NEAREsT bingo on turn 2.  On turn 6 I draw the second blank, but have nothing good to go with it.  I work through CDJNPS?, CFIJMS?, CIIJMS?, CIJSSW?, before getting relatively good racks.  She did let me get away with CADJE* (thinking CADGE/GADJE).  We both do our fair share of fishing and it is generally an ugly game.  I finally bingo with the blank for ALIgNED to get the edge.  I win 391-337.

Game 5:  vs. Tracy Bowman

I officially hate playing Tracy.  She is almost as bad of a sport as Harriette, and I always beat her.  Playing is fun and winning is even more fun, but losing is never as bad as these people make it out to be.  I am mean, really, don't tie your self worth to whether or not you beat me in a club game.  I've been on the other end of some frustrating losses, and might have even took them too seriously, but the consistency at which some people just lose their composure is just uncalled for.

Moving on.

She's up early by 40.  I hold AADENRS and play through the open I only to draw both the blanks out of the bag.  I get EmpTIED on my next turn, and am up by 60.  Later, I get CHEWIER making (QUIT)E, and PUTZ for 40.  She gets AXIAL for 38 followed by (BELLY)ING for 44.  I win, who cares, 429-354.

Game 6:  vs.  Dan T.

Dan gets back at me for (almost) drawing the bag against Tracy.  He gets 51 for WHISP, then plays ELoINER.  Two turns later he gets STORMED, blocking my MEANIES/ (DEV)A/ (ELOINER)S.  I do get to play ALFAKI for 31 which is fun and late, I get down MA(T)INEES.  I get vowelitis and lose big. 325-412.

Game 7:  vs.  Ellen Levine

On turn three she lets my BOWTIeD* go.  Two turns later, I let her DIRTY/(MICK)Y* go, cause it gives me a place to play COGNIzE(D), which she challenged.  This was not a terribly interesting game.   I win, 415-331.

Game 8:  vs.  Harriette Lakernick

This started out as a quick demonstration game for her cousin, but Katy was on her way to pick me up, so I played about as fast as I have ever played.  When the final scores were announced, I had ~16 left on my clock.  Maybe, I should play that quickly all of the time.

My first rack is DENORSW.  WONDERS it is.  play off KOI from EIIKNOS and draw ORT.  (C)ORNIEST on turn 3.  She plays (K)EYING in the top left corner for 54.  Two rack of consonant dumps and on turn 6 I hold BCIRTY?.  BuTYRIC would have played for a few less points, but I played through an open T.  Just call me ciBRETTy.  She finally bingoes on turn 9 with LOITERS to be down 140.  turn 12 comes around with an empty bag and I bingo out with AGENDAS making LA, ZAG, and ALANE for 98 points.  I win 521-339.

6-2 averaging 421/game.

The Bingoes:

Mine -
WONDERS, CORNIEST, YTTERBIC, AGENDAS = 17/8 games = 2.1/game

Theirs -
LOITERS = 9/8 games = 1.1/game

Okay, way too many phoneys, I know, but playing your opponent is part of the game.  I honestly, thought NITCHES* might be good, but other two I was pretty sure were not.  Whatcha gonna do?

ytterbic, club, scrabble

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