Random things...

Nov 01, 2007 09:41

1.  Last night I was playing Quackle and out of the bag I drew AAABCRY.  I passed.  He did not play the P.  Argh.  Probably as close as I will come to playing that word.  I did manage to get down 5 bingoes in that game though: VARIOLE, BURNOUT (making OVARIOLE), SUNROOF, JADEITE (131!), sPLINTED.

2.  Three Degrees of Seperation and such -

If you can already find the anagrams in AAIKSSTW, FFLOSTY, GGILLOOW, and GGLLOOWY, go no further.

Following a link from CGP to a blog re: the esthetics of team uniforms, I read this entry talking about the history of SWASTIKAS, especially as they relate to sports teams.  I found that another name for a swastika is FYLFOT which is good and takes the S.  It also links to a picture of a Canadian women's hockey team where a girl (proudly clad is a pre-nazi swastika uniform) is holding a GOLLIWOGG doll.  GOLLIWOG is a legit 8 and takes a G and S back hooks and can also be spelled GOLLYWOG, which only takes the S.

3.  I played 4 games against Dave Turrissini Saturday afternoon.  I haven't had the time or the energy to write them up, but three of the games were lopsided one way or the other.    We ended up splitting the games 2-2.  I played the phoney of HUSKIE* & RECUED*, and he got BROTHIER*, and UNSHOES* passed me.

Mine -

His -
(1 - undocumented)

It's been a while since I've averaged only 1 bingo a game.

4.  I'm inexplicably sad.

5.  Here is a link to the most recent photo gallery including pictures of a -6 mo. old Quinn:


sad, random thoughts, scrabble

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