Aug 19, 2010 07:47
My Topsy-Turvy tomato plant has fruit!
This is so cool. I've lived in apartments all my adult life, and so never was able to grow much of anything, but this year, I decided to grow some tomatoes. So I planted a couple--one in a Topsy-Turvy, one in a pot--and have been watching them grow, and waiting impatiently to see if it would work.
And this morning, when I went out to water them, I discovered TOMATOES! Little green ones, about the size of a granddaddy marble. (An inch or so in diameter, for those who never played marbles as a kid.) These are the beefsteak tomatoes, so if I'm lucky, they'll get nice and big and sweet. Tomatoes often don't grow well here, since we don't usually have a lot of hot, sunny weather; and this year has been cooler than most, except for a handful of days. But I got my tomatoes in a bit late, since they were painting my building, and so I was REALLY worried about being able to see any results before the end of the growing season.
TOMATOES! I HAS TOMATOES! And a whole bunch of flowers, too. I think I'm going to be playing "ding-dong ditch" with tomatoes soon, if I'm not careful. But y'know what? WHO CARES.
i am awesome,