Title: Little Orion
Author: Ai no Messeji
Pairing: YamaChii;
Genre: Slice of Life, Friendship, Drama
Summary: The act of friendship and love is the strongest of all relationship. So, treasure it, before all is too late.
His shirt was being dampened by the sky’s little raindrops, still, he did not care and most likely he did not mind. Because, just like the clouds’ grieving heart. He, as well-he, as well, is breaking and grieving inside for the loss, although not his, but for the one thing that keeps him from falling apart. His- “…Ryosuke…” He called that loved given name, however as he did so, the only thing he got in return was a glare and a snap, so frightening, that made the tears start to prick his charcoal colored irises. But, being a person who loves and being a person who cares, he did not allow his weaknesses to shatter his defenses. He did not allow his weaknesses to hinder him to protect the person, who’s been helping him to keep on wishing for a brighter tomorrow, shatter. Especially now, not now when that person needs him most, “…Ryosuke, please don’t be stubborn. Let’s-“ he begged, but as he tried to pull those hands that usually encapsulates him into a tight embrace, he was suddenly-flop, pushed, like he didn’t matter…like his concerns didn’t mean a thing. But still, even if he is hurt and even if he feels like his efforts are not going through that thick skull. He persisted. He continued on pushing things to limits, because he-“…Ryosuke, please…you’ve been staying under the rain for hours. You might get sick. So please, just forget and- but before he could utter another word, he suddenly heard a low curse as that gentle and warm voice, which he loves most in the universe. He loves with all his life, snapped at him and stared at him as if he is nothing-not even a friend at all.
“…Don’t act too cocky with me, Yuri. You don’t know how I feel because you have never felt the love he has given me. ” The one named Ryosuke cussed as he continued on to glare intently at the shivering little one under the rain. But since the little one is the kind of person who doesn’t give up easily. He persuaded, just so that his beloved one can feel okay again. But as he tried his very best to make the mood lighter and less tense, he-“…but, Ryosuke-a hard slap, “I said, just GO AWAY…” Painful words were suddenly said that the older one might regret, not now, but maybe soon after the storm ceased on its way. “…just go die and leave me be…” Ryosuke wheezed as tears started to flow down those gentle brown eyes of his. Because not only did things hurt in his heart, but also seeing the one person that never leaves him or even turn his back on him, fall apart, due to his emotional relapses, hurts so much. It just hurts so much. That’s why to avoid any more pain and anxiety; he simply just turned his back and ran-simply just ran away from the little one, who’s practically just holding on to him as his last lifeline as well.
“…I understand.”
A few months later, after their fight, leaning under a tree, with a piece of paper in his hands, Ryosuke grieves and cries. Because as he reads the words written inside the letter, one by one. He couldn’t help but feel the regret of not being able to encapsulate or even just give a chance. A chance to that little angel, whom that night, rather than taking his operation, chose to give him a shoulder to lean on to and just be a friend...a friend to the person he loves more than the world. He loves more than the universe and more than life-his very own life.
Nee, I know this is cheesy as is, but this letter is for my favorite Ryosuke in the whole wide world.
By the way, Ryo-chan, I want to tell you something. Though I’ll just write it, because I might not have any more chance to say or even right this again, ever. But Ryosuke, my beloved Ryochan... I just want to say sorry. Sorry for not being a good friend to protect you from the pain. Sorry for not being there with you until the end, but, more so than that Ryochan... my Yamatan... I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not leaving you behind that time. I’m sorry for being stubborn and not granting your request. Because for a person like me, who always leans on a person like Ryochan. That’s honestly the only way I know how to help, especially of how I can be a friend to you and a shoulder to lean on to. So, sorry, my dearest Ryochan... I honestly wanted to say this personally but... I have no time left. You know the reason why, right? But, it’s okay. There is no regret. I am still happy. Because I know that as I sleep and never wake up, I’ll soon be a shining, shimmering star for my Ryochan. So, smile okay? Always smile; because that’s all I ever want for my most beloved one, my fated person... my best friend, my Yamada Ryosuke. So while reading this and knowing about what I did, don’t get mad at me for too long and try to not cry, okay? I know you’ll cry, because I cried too, while thinking that I will never ever see you or even comfort you as you read this selfish letter. So, just smile! Try too, I mean, okay? I love you, Ryosuke. Till we meet again, okay? Promise to always visit me and please, please, please, please…don’t forget about me. Don’t forget Chinen Yuri. I love you, Ryosuke. I hope, you did love me, even just for a little while, more than a friend too.
- Sincerely Yours,
Your little Orion, Your Chinen Yuri
Author’s Note: Orion by the way is one of the unchanging constellations. It is not big, but it is one of the brightest. I know this is not one of the good ones, but still thank you for reading.