Modpost: Welcome to the New Season!

Jul 21, 2009 06:59

(Hooray! *throws confetti because fireworks are dangerous*)
Because we've added a bunch of new members since the end of the season and preseason has begun in earnest (WOO HOO!), the mods thought it was a good idea to do a quick post to remind everyone how things work during the season.

Generally what you'll see are two main things: Live reaction (LR) posts, and match spams. As with last year, there will customarily be three LR posts/weekend, one for each time slot in which matches are played. Additionally, there will be LR posts for Europa Cup and CL matches in which Serie A teams are involved and, if your team is playing a friendly, or another game that isn't league or cup-related and you want to LR here, feel free to put a post up! As most of you know, match spam posts are just what they sound like: Giant piles of match pictures from the weekend's match, presented from a particular team's point of view, and are done by the representatives for a given team (that way, we don't have 18 different people posting pictures of Pato).

In the past, we've only had reps for a handful of teams, and we'd welcome volunteers for teams who are currently unpimped. So, if you feel you have time to collect and post pictures of your team's matches -- and it does take time (real life forces everyone to miss a week here and there, but we'd really like a degree of consistency) -- please let us know in the comments, and we'll add you to the list. Alternately, if you don't think you have time to cover every match but would be willing to do so with a partner, let us know that, too, and ask around to see if you can dig up someone who will help.

[Just to be clear: Other posts are very welcome during the season. The team pimps are responsible for team-related stuff: Match pix, training pictures, presentation of new players, etc., but that in no way means others can't contribute with, for example, paparazzi pictures, scans, or other goodies they find.]

If there's not a name listed next to the team, it's available.

Inter: bustedflush
Juventus: dirtbunnies
AC Milan
Palermo: milan_love
Roma: razor2rozary

Azzurri: razor2rozary
Azzurrini: hameow and bustedflush

Last updated 6 July 2011

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